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COMODAL: Consumer Models for Assisted Living


The Health Design & Technology Institute (HDTI) is leading a consortium that has secured funding from the Technology Strategy Board Assisted Living Innovation Platform to support the development of a consumer market for electronic Assisted Living Technologies (eALTs) within the 50-70 year old age group. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014. Project partners are Coventry University, Age UK, and Grandparents Plus, with Years Ahead and the South East Health Technology Alliance (SEHTA) acting as subcontractors.

An Industry Advisory Group has been formed that is comprised of more than 40 companies that are key stakeholders, and have provided advice throughout the project.


electronic Assisted Living Technologies (eALTs)

For the purposes of the COMODAL project, Assisted Living Technologies are defined as a product or service designed to support independent living.  The focus of the project is on electronic Assisted Living Technologies namely:
1.    Environmental Control Technologies and Services (low to high tech)
2.    Telehealth and Telecare Technologies and Services
3.    IT based devises and services to support health and well being (such as health apps)

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