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Energy Audit Surveys

What are they?

The Sustainable Building Futures project can work with your business to help improve energy efficiency. This will lead to:

  • lower energy bills;
  • better energy and environmental management procedures;
  • less wasted resource.


How are they undertaken?

Coventry University staff will undertake an energy efficiency audit of your premises.

  • This will be pre-arranged to take place on a convenient working day and take about four hours of on-site investigation using unobtrusive handheld tools and basic surveying techniques.
  • Working practices will be observed and a small number of wireless data logging devices positioned to record temperature and humidity profiles across key areas of the building.
  • The energy auditor will ask you to provide an idea of recent energy costs (ideally a copy of the last year’s energy bills).



Following the visit a report will be created similar to the example pages shown below. This will use a traffic light system to highlight both practical, economically viable ideas and also reveal where solutions are impractical and expensive. It will also include some analysis of data recorded on site and of energy consumption from the bills provided. A follow up meeting or video conference will take place to explain the report and identify ways to help with its implementation. This might for example include assistance with resources for a staff campaign to reduce energy in the workplace or help to set up a competition or reward scheme for employee best practice.


Energy Effiiciency Audit document screenshot

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