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Staying local - the advantages of studying a degree in Scarborough

Date published: Monday 11 September 2023

Starting on your journey to get a degree is a big step in shaping your future and choosing where to study matters more than you might think.

If you live in or near Scarborough, there's a great option on your doorstep – CU Scarborough. In this blog, we'll delve into why staying local and studying for your degree with us, could the best option for you.

Familiar comfort

Studying for a degree can be challenging but doing it in a familiar environment can make it feel easier. If you choose to study near home, you will already know the ins and outs of the town.

Also, feeling at home in a familiar place can be a less stressful option than moving to a new one. If you're not worrying about adjusting to a new location, you can focus more on your studies and personal growth.

Community connections

Choosing to study locally keeps you within your community of friends, family, and familiar faces. This built-in support system can have a positive impact on your studies and well-being.

A strong support network can also enhance your experience, as it opens connections to other learning and personal development opportunities.


Finances and cost of living are a concern for most students. Studying locally in Scarborough could save you money, compared to the cost of relocating to a different city.
Staying close to home, you’ll avoid expenses related to:

  • moving
  • renting accommodation
  • higher transportation expenses

Saving money on these things, means you can channel your resources into what matters to you.

Flexible Lifestyle

Studying locally gives you the flexibility to balance your education with other commitments. You won’t have the added stress of uprooting your life.
It also creates space for part-time jobs and extracurricular activities alongside your education. This flexibility makes it easier to gain practical experience alongside your studying for your degree.

Networking opportunities

Everyone you meet during your studies could become a useful professional contact. Your tutors, fellow students and local professionals are the foundations of your future network. A great network can lead to everything from future collaborators to job opportunities.

Exploring Hidden Gems

Living and studying in Scarborough, you can enjoy beaches, historic sites, and vibrant cultural events on your doorstep. Staying local gives you more time to explore and make the most of what this coastal town has to offer.

In summary

Choosing where to do your degree is an important decision that can shape your academic journey and future prospects. If you already live in or near Scarborough, staying close by is worth considering. Local study comes with the comfort of feeling at home as well as an affordable and flexible lifestyle.

Ready for the next step?

You can get a Coventry University degree, right on your doorstep. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed in a community that knows you best. Get the degree you need, for the future you want. Your educational journey starts near home, at CU Scarborough.

Explore our courses by visiting our course pages or find out more about studying at CU Scarborough.

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