Access your data
Right to access (also known as a subject access request)
Individuals have the right to request a copy of their personal data held by the University. To make a request for your data please complete and return our subject access request form by email or post.
Download and complete
Email us
Write to us
Information Governance Unit | Coventry University | Portal House | 163 New Union Street | Coventry CV1 2PL
You should always keep a copy of your request for future reference.
We cannot release personal data to anybody other than the data subject unless we have their express consent to do so. Therefore, where a Subject Access Request is made on behalf of the data subject, the request must also include proof that the data subject has consented to the request and to their personal data being provided to that person.
Although this service is free of charge, a ‘reasonable fee’ may be charged in cases where a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive. A fee will also be charged for requests for further copies of the same information. The fee will be based on the administrative cost of providing the information.
How long will the University take to process my request?
Once the University is certain that it understands what information you are asking for, the University will have one month to provide the information to you. Please note that where requests are more complex, for instance where you are asking for details of email correspondence between several named individuals or covering a large time frame; this period may be extended by a further two months. If this is the case, you will be informed within one month of receipt of the request.