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Brett Sanders

Lecturer in History

College of the Arts and Society

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Brett Sanders is module leader for the undergraduate modules Nations and Nationalism (level four), Humanity and Natural World: A History (level five), and An Inconvenient History: The Green Movement (level six). In addition, he contributes to a number of other undergraduate modules, including Historians on Trial, Politics in Action, and Political Ideologies in the Twentieth Century

He also serves as the module leader for the Final Project Module for History students. 

At post-graduate level, he is the co-module leader for Postcolonial thinking, Indigenous Peoples, and Sustainability, which forms part of the MA History programme and contributes to the related MA module, Research Skills for the Postgraduate.   

Career overview

Brett has been a Lecturer in History at Coventry University since 2013.


Brett’s research focuses on the societal challenges associated with the looming threat of climate change. In particular, he is interested in grassroots-led sustainability initiatives. His PhD was concerned with the development of low impact smallholdings in Wales as a part of Wales’s rural sustainability agenda.

In addition, Brett is interested in climate change activism, especially the recent activism of organisations such as Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, and individuals like Greta Thunberg. This is reflected in his teaching which examines these themes.  

External activities

Brett co-directed the award-winning documentary film Looking For Charlie which explored the oft-forgotten stage performers who inspired the pioneers of cinema. 

He has also appeared on BBC Radio for Coventry and Warwickshire and contributed to The Conversation on issues relating to the environmental movement.  

Publications and press

Brett Sanders and Darren R. Reid (2021) Documentary Making For Digital Humanists. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers 

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