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Dr Abi Rhodes AFHEA


School of Media and Performance | Faculty of Arts and Humanities 


Abi Rhodes


I am an academic, a researcher, project and campaigns coordinator with a specialism in grassroots storytelling and social movement communication, and professional experience in the third-sector.

My academic research and publications examine the interrelationship of social movement communication tactics, the mainstream media, and the political landscape in general election campaigns. I analyse online and offline communication, including visual performances on the street and on social media.



  • PhD Critical Theory and Cultural Studies -  The University of Nottingham, 2016 – 2019

Title: Fanning the Flames: Political Discourse Analysis of Anti-austerity Social Movement Intervention in the UK General Elections of 2015 and 2017

  • Critical Theory and Politics MA-The University of Nottingham, 2014 – 2016
  • English and Philosophy (Dual Honours) BA - Keele University, 2000 – 2003
  • Associate Fellow of the HEA (Recognition Reference: PR179899)





  • Media and Society (Level 1)                                                    
  • Cultures of Everyday Life (Level 1)                                          
  • Communication and Technology (Level 1)
  • Researching Culture, Film and Media (Level 2)
  • Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) workshop (Level 2)
  • Engaging with Media Configurations (Level 3)
  • Research Design (Level 3)


  • The Transnational Condition (MA)
  • Dissertation/Final Major Project (MA)


Outputs and Publications


In production Rhodes, A., (forthcoming 2021) Social Movements in Elections: UK Anti-Austerity and Environmental Campaigning 2015-2019 (Palgrave Pivot)

Book chapter(s)

2019  Rhodes, A., (2019a) ‘Movement-led electoral communication: Extinction Rebellion and party policy in the media’ in Jackson, D., Thorsen, E., Lilleker, D., and Weidhase, N., (eds.) UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign (The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, Bournemouth University)


Rhodes, A., (2019b) ‘Movement-led Electoral Campaigning:  Momentum in the 2017 General Election’ in Wring, D., Mortimore, R., and Atkinson, S., (eds.) Political Communication in Britain: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election (Palgrave Macmillan)

Journal article(s)

In preparation Rhodes, A., (in preparation 2021) ‘“Show me what Democracy looks like”: the role of Extinction Rebellion (XR) in the UK’s 2019 general election’


2020  Rhodes, A., (2020) ‘Social movement-voter interaction: a case study of electoral communication by The People’s Assembly Against Austerity, Social Movement Studies



2019  Rhodes, A., (2019c) ‘Movement-led policy action in the media: GE2019 the #ElectionRebellion’ in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) newsletter Three-D, 33

2017  Birks, J., & Rhodes, A., (2017) ‘Civil society and grassroots voices in the election coverage’ in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) newsletter Three-D, 28


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