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Professor Catherine Hoskyns

Professor Emerita in European Studies

School of Humanities 
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Skype: catherinehoskyns1


I am Professor Emerita at Coventry University and Visiting Academic at the CSGR, University of Warwick. I retired in 2000 having been successively senior lecturer, reader and professor in international relations. For most of my time I taught in the International Relations department specialising in European studies. I also taught gender studies and in 1996 I combined the two, publishing Integrating Gender – Women, Law and Politics in the European Union. In 1992 I won a Nuffield research fellowship and from 1994 – 2000 was Jean Monnet reader and then professor in European studies.

I have kept an interest in African studies and am currently writing a memoir on my time in East Africa in the fifties and sixties and a monograph for the Africa Programme of the Royal Institute of International Affairs on the way in which African issues have been handled over the years. I have written many academic articles and have regularly written reviews and refereed articles and books for a variety of journals and publishers.


  • 1956 BA Oxon English Language and Literature
  • 1963 MA Oxon English Language and Literature


I am currently working on a monograph for the RIIA on Africa at Chatham House  

  • With Shirin M. Rai, Univ.of Warwick , work on the evaluation of women’s unpaid work, 2011 2014
  • With Felicity Butler study of a project in Nicaragua to include a component for women’s work in the costs of production of sesame, 2010 – 2013
  • History of gender policy in the EU, supported by grants from the British Academy, theNuffield Foundation and the Jean Monnet programme, 1990 1996
  • Study of history and current operations of the pan-­African movement, 1965 – 1970
  • Account of the international dimensions of the 1960/61 Congo crisis, supported by RIIA, and the Gilbert Murray Trust, 1962 1964

Outputs and publications

  • Shirin M Rai, Catherine Hoskyns and Dania Thomas (2014) 'Depletion: the Cost of Social Reproduction International Feminist Journal of Politics', 16/1 pp. 86-­‐105.
  • Catherine Hoskyns and Shirin M. Rai (2007) 'Recasting the Global Political Economy: Counting Women’s Unpaid Work New Political Economy', 12/3 pp. 119-­‐317
  • C. Hoskyns and M Newman eds (2000) 'Democratising the EU – Issues for the 21st Century', Manchester: MUP
  • Hoskyns, C (1996) 'Integrating Gender Women Law and Politics in the EU', London: Verso
  • Hoskyns, C (1965) 'The Congo Since Independence',  Oxford University Press

Professor Catherine Hoskyns portrait with white background

Areas of expertise

  • Gender politics
  • Politics of African nationalism
  • History and politics of the EU
  • Research skills
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