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Dr Shaun Hides



In 1997 Shaun joined the Coventry University as Senior Lecturer in Communication Culture and Media, from Leeds Metropolitan University, where he had been Senior Lecturer in Visual Cultures in the School of Arts and Contemporary Cultures. He had also previously taught at Nottingham and Leicester Universities. He became Principal Lecturer in Media and Communication in 2007, was Joint-acting Head of Department in 2008 and 2009 and became Head of Department in 2009.

Shaun’s expertise developed from his original training and background in Archaeology and Anthropology/Ethnography. Initially his work focused on material cultures, cultural identity and cultural and media theory, expertise which he focused through his PhD research on the expression of ethnic identity though cultural artefacts. He also trained in, worked on, and taught video-making for educational purposes and made several short documentaries and educational programmes. Whilst at Leicester he taught methods, video and photography skills as well as material culture studies and the anthropology of art. He took up a Lectureship and then Senior Lectureship in Visual Cultures at Leeds Metropolitan University from 1992-97, leading the development of the MA in Cultural Studies.

Whilst at Coventry, Shaun has taught many subjects – from media and cultural analysis and research methods, to Information Societies and Material Cultures, on the BA courses in Communication Culture and Media, and Media Production, as well as on the CCM Masters Programme. In 2000 he became course leader for the Communication Culture and Media Masters Programme and in 2005 Programme Manager for all the MA courses. In that role Shaun initiated and oversaw the development of new Masters Programmes in Specialist Journalism, and the MA Media Production and recently supported the development of an innovative new MA in Photography. As Head of Media he has lead the development of the Open Media Strategy, which has structured and focused its recent direction.

Shaun was seconded to the University Teaching and Learning Task Force from 2000 to 2002, to work on projects developing cross-cultural education in the internationalization of the curriculum and the innovation of peer–evaluation and peer-tutoring using online platforms. From 2002-5 he represented the department on the Hefce ADM Subject Centre and a JISC working group on innovation in assessment. He has chaired the School of Art and Design approvals committee and currently sits on the University Academic Board.


  • Ph.D., Ethno-Archaeology, University of Leicester
  • B.A (Hons), Archaeology, University of Leicester

Research Interests:

  • Ethnoarchaeology, research methods, ethonogrpahic anthroplogical approaches, media and cultural theory
  • The connections between innovations in media (open/disruptive media) - and innovative radical pedagogies in Higher Education
  • Material cultures - especially objects and possessions which mark out personal, historical and cultural identities
  • Cultural and Media theory focused on the cultural location/meaning and politics of technology - postmaterialism

Selected Outputs:

  • Hides, D.S., and Shaw, J. (2012) Open Media: How to Give your Content Away for Free and Still Survive in the Contemporary University. (Podcast - summary) Available from
  • Hides, D.S. (2012) 'Travels of the Father'. 'Private Media in the Public Realm workshop'. Held 27 Apr 2007 in UK, Available on request on CD/Audio
  • Hides, D.S., and Woodbridge, P. (2010) Open Source Education: A radical case for the Arts and Humanities. (Podcast)
  • Hides, D.S. (2008) 'Collecting nothing, collecting denial'. 'Extreme collecting 2: Ethnography of the Ordinary at the British Museum'. Held 31 Jan 2008 in UK, Available on request on CD/Audio
  • Hides, D.S. (2008) 'Viral, Transgressive, or Anti-Pedagogies?: significance, learning and instrumentality'. Proceedings of I-ped08, 'I-ped08'. Held Sep 2008 in Coventry, UK.
  • Hides, D.S. (2006) 'Knowledge/Information: An Internet Symptomology'. In The Ideology of the Internet. Ed. by Sarikakis, K., and Thussu, D. London: Hampton Press, 77-94
  • Hides, D.S. (2006) 'The Ideology of Performative Pedagogies: a cultural symptomology'. E-Learning and Digital Media 2 (4), 328-341
  • Hides, D.S., and Middleton, N. (2005) Video/DVD project on The Tulse Luper Exhibition by Peter Greenaway. Held 2005 at the Compton Verney Gallery, Warwickshire, UK
  • Hides, D.S., and Gorse, C. (2004) 'Charlotte Gorse in conversation with Shaun Hides'. In Domestic Bliss. Ed. by Gorse, C. Coventry: Coventry University
  • Hides, D.S., and O'Sullivan, D. (2000) 'Dressed to express? Material culture, gender and ethnicity'. In Gender and material culture in historical perspective. Ed. by Donald, M., and Hurcombe, L. London: Macmillan Press Ltd, 79-96
  • Hides, D.S. (2000) 'Materiality and Discourse'. In Researching Material Culture. Ed. by Pearce, S. Leicester: University of Leicester, 7-20
  • Hides, D.S. (1997) 'The Genealogy of Materiality and Identity'. In Experiencing Material Culture. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 11-35
  • Hides, D.S. (1996) ''Other Art': Approaching Non-European Cultures'. In The Bloomsbury Guide to Art. Ed. by West, S. London: Bloomsbury, 109-128
  • Hides, D.S. (1996) 'The genealogy of material culture and cultural identity'. In Cultural identity and archaeology: the construction of European communities. Ed. by Graves-Brown, P., Jones, S., and Gamble, C. London: Routledge, 25-47
  • Hides, D.S. (1995) 'Consuming Identities'. Sociology Review 5 (2), 30-33
  • Hides, D.S., and Walsh K.J. (1994) 'Excavating Postmodernity'. In Postmodern Surroundings. Ed. by Earnshaw, S. Amsterdam and Atlanta GA: Rodopi
  • Hides, D.S., and Moran, P.A. (1990) 'Authority and the Determination of the Subject'. In Archaeology After Structuralism: Post Structuralism and the Practice of Archaeology. Ed. by Bapty, I., and Yates, T. London: Routledge

Selected Funding:

  • 2011, COMCo Media Enterprise, Coventry University Vice-Chancellor’s Fund, £55,000
  • 2011, Coventry Open Platforms, Coventry University Vice-Chancellor’s Fund, £33,000
  • 2011-2012, Coventry Open Media Classes Project, JISC Open Educational Resources Theme 3, £51,899
  • 2009-present, Leading Coventry Open Media Strategy – the development of an over-arching strategy and philosophy for the articulation of new open and disruptive media,
  • 2009, CCM for small research projects, Hefce/Capability Fund, £2,600
  • 2008, CCM for small research projects, Hefce/Capability Fund, £3,500
  • 2007, Working with Private Media Materials in the Public Realm, AHRC Museums Workshops, £15,000
  • 2006, CCM fund for small research projects, Hefce/Capability Fund, £3,000
  • 2002-2003, Dark matter: commodity life-cycles, Hefce/Capability Fund
  • 2000-2002, Secondment: Higher Education, Culture and Difference: learning environments and diverse student bodies, Coventry University

Research Students:

  • PhD: 3 completions, 2 current students
  • MSc/MA by research: 1 completion

Selected Professional Activities:

  • Member of SCORE
  • External Examiner Birmingham City University
  • Member of MeCCSA
  • 2005-2008: Editorial Board of Media and Cultural Politics, Intellect
  • Media and Communications Representative to The ADC LTSN Reference group
  • Contributor to the Digital Media Grand Challenge through the Open Media Research group and leader of the Coventry Open Media Classes project


  • BA Communication Culture and Media
  • MA Communication Culture and Media

Other Responsibilities:

  • Contributor to the Disruptive and Open 2009-present, Leading Coventry Open Media Strategy – the development of an over-arching strategy and philosophy for the articulation of new open and disruptive media
  • Media Research groups and leader of the Coventry Open Media Classes project
  • Coventry University Academic Board Senior Faculty Member
  • CSAD Approvals Panel Chair
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