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Dr. Anvita Kumar

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

School of Marketing and Management
Coventry Business School
Faculty of Business and Law



I am Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Advertising with teaching experience for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. My main areas of teaching interest are Consumer Behaviour, Global Marketing, Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Applied Marketing. In addition, I have, successfully, led marketing placement projects Internship Academic Tutor for my department.

As part of the academic team in SMM and in capacity as subject expert, I have also contributed to the successful development of a new postgraduate Marketing course: MA Brand Management, which will run from 2016-17 academic year. As of September 2015, I am leading the socio-cultural stream of Carnival overseeing the projects and their successful alignment with Carnival objectives, timelines and research outputs and dissemination. My research area is embedded in Branding, Consumer Behaviour and Consumption choices.


  • PhD (Marketing), City University, 2014.
  • MBA (Marketing), University of Leeds, 2002.

Research interests

My research area is embedded in Branding, Consumer Behaviour, Consumption choices and role of Emotions in Marketing. The latter has been the focus of my doctoral study in context of brand placement strategies. In addition, I was successful in securing the ECR pump priming research funding for the following project (2013-2014): ‘The emotional power of eco-labels: an exploratory study of consumer emotions evoked by eco-labels and the effect on green-brand image’. I am leading the socio-cultural stream of Carnival (2015-current): identified under three broad themes: Place Branding, Food & Mega Events and Brand Equity Fit.

Recent outputs and publications

Conference proceedings

  • Kumar, A., and Balabanis, G. (2011) ‘The Impact of Consumer Style of Information Processing on Brand Placement Recognition, the Mediating Effect of Character Likability’. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Held 24-27 May 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Kumar, A., and Balabanis, G. (2012) ‘Evaluating the Impact of Celebrity Status and Character Likability on Brand Recognition’. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS). Held 15-20 May 2012 in New Orleans, LA.
  • Kumar, A., and Balabanis, G. (2013) ‘Do Happy Brands Placements Lead to Happy Brands?’. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS). Held 14-18 May 2013 in Monterey, CA.
  • Grigorian, N., and Kumar, A. (2014) ‘Investigating the Relationship between Product Placement Modality and Brand Personality-An Exploratory Study’. International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues. Held 18-20 June 2014 in Athens, Greece.
  • Kumar, A., and Balabanis, G. (2014) ‘Evaluating the role of characters in brand placements on word of mouth activity’. Global Marketing Conference (GMC).  Held 15-18 July 2014 in Singapore.
  • Bosangit, C., Carrigan, M., and Kumar, A. (2014) ‘Why are consumers still suspicious of green products?  Understanding scepticism towards green products’. Institute for Social Marketing (ISM).  
  • Carrigan, M., Bosangit, C., Kumar, A., and Bebek, G. (2015) ‘Examining social labels as signals of corporate responsibility’. British Academy Management Conference 2015.  Held 8-10 September 2014 in Portsmouth, UK.


Teaching modules

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Global Marketing

Areas of expertise

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Global Marketing
  • Contemporary Issues in Marketing
  • Branding
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