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Beth Richards-Bray

Deputy Head of Law
Senior Lecturer in Law

Coventry Law School
Faculty of Business and Law
Coventry University
Priory Street

George Eliot Building
Room: GE211



I am the Deputy Head of Coventry Law School and also a Senior Lecturer in Law. Holding LLB (Hons) and LLM degrees – both in Business Law, I qualified as a Solicitor before joining Coventry University in 1996.  Since that time I have held many roles including Associate Head of School; Academic Course Director for the LLB Commercial Law course; and have taught various modules on the undergraduate and postgraduate courses.  My areas of specialism are Property Law and Intellectual Property Law, which I taught for many years on the LLB courses; and International Trade Law which I taught on the LLM Courses.  Having a keen interest in pedagogy and information technology, I was also the Digital Literacy Champion for Coventry Law School. I am actively involved in promoting the inclusion of new technology in teaching and learning and examining ways in which this can improve the student experience.  I currently lead the Law School’s internationalisation initiatives and I am also undertaking Doctoral Research into internationalisation of education and enhancement of the student experience for international students.


  • LL.M., Business Law, De Montfort University, Leicester
  • Certificate, Modern Languages
  • Pg.Cert., Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Coventry University
  • Postgraduate Diploma, Legal Practice, De Montfort University, Leicester
  • LL.B., Business Law, Coventry University

Selected Outputs 

  • Richards-Bray, J.E. (2008) 'Equity: real property, constructive trusts, illegal purpose, s.333 (2) Insolvency Act 1986 - Barrett v Barrett'. Coventry Law Journal 13 (2),39-40
  • Richards-Bray, J.E. (2007) 'Property: trusts, constructive trusts - Hunt v Soady'. Coventry Law Journal 12 (1),68-72
  • Richards-Bray, J.E. (2007) 'Intellectual Property Law; Employment Law; Contracts - Tomas v Farr'. Coventry Law Journal 12 (1),76-79
  • Richards-Bray, B. (2002) 'Privacy, breach of confidence and freedom of expression - A v B Plc and Another'. Coventry Law Journal 7 (1)
  • Richards-Bray, J.E. (2002) 'Privacy, breach of confidence and freedom of expression - A v B Plc and Another'. Law Teacher 36 (3)
  • Richards-Bray, B. (2002) 'Privacy, breach of confidence and freedom of expression - Naomi Campbell v Vanessa Frisbee'. Coventry Law Journal 7 (2)
  • Richards-Bray, B. (2001) 'Remedies for patent infringement'. Coventry Law Journal 6 (1)
  • Richards-Bray, B. (2000) 'Patent infringement: Repair or manufacture?'. Coventry Law Journal 5 (2)
  • Richards-Bray, B. (1998) 'Statutory interpretation in the House of Lords'. Coventry Law Journal 3 (2)


  • International Trade Law 
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Concepts of Property and Equity
  • Module Leader for Projects modules
  • Property Law
  • Obligations
  • Legal Skills
  • English Legal System
  • Foundations of Law

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