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Mary Crossan

Senior Lecturer

School of Strategy and Leadership
Coventry Business School
Faculty of Business and Law

Twitter: @marycrossan1 
LinkedIn Profile 


I have worked in a variety of roles in my 12 years working at Coventry University. These roles have included associate head of department for student experience managing a large academic department exceeding 50 staff. I have also more recently held a Faculty position supporting the Dean for student experience projects. I am currently part of the course management team for one of the universities largest undergraduate courses focusing on supporting the student experience and their transition to higher education. I am a senior lecturer with module leader responsibility for an undergraduate module that has large student numbers of over 300 students, focusing on business and specifically, internal management principles. 

I have 16 years industry experience prior to entering academia working for both large and SME organisations such as E.on and Solaglas. I have an interest in bringing business to the classroom and to support this I am leading a project looking at developing courses to support the area of graduate employability focusing on developing student workshops mirroring industry style CPD approaches. The aim of this is to bring industry into the curriculum and classroom by linking students from differing stages of a course and having more global links with industry and Alumni.  


  • Ed.D, University of Sheffield, ongoing
  • Management MA, Coventry University, 2008
  • Postgraduate certificate of teaching in higher education, Coventry University, 2005

Research interests

Current and ongoing research in online international learning projects and pilots.

Recent outputs and publications

  • Amayo, A., Crossan, M., Hardie, M., and McTavish, A. (2014) ‘A pedagogical approach towards bridging the gap between theory and practice. A case study of undergraduate & postgraduate business students at Coventry University’. In Gómez Chova, L., López Martínez, A., and Candel Torres, I. (eds.) 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, ‘INTED 2014’. Held 10-12 March 2014 in Valencia, Spain. Valencia: IATED Academy.
  • Crossan, M., McTavish, A.M. ‘The reality of employer engagement in WBL’. ALT Journal 10 (Winter 2010), 33-36. 
  • Crossan, M., and DeMain, L. (2015). ‘Re-Setting Student Expectations of Internationalisation during University Induction’. SEDA Conference. Held 14-15 May in Manchester, UK.
  • Crossan, M., and Johnson, D. (2014) ‘A conjectural paper on innovation and online international learning (OIL) to develop internationalised subject and cultural learning, supporting the global graduate’s vision’.  iCERi 2014. Held 17-19 November 2014 in Seville, Spain.
  • Crossan, M. (2014) ‘Internationalising ALL student experiences  in BES – A reflective presentation on the faculty project’. BESRES & CU T&L Internal Conference. Held 2014 in Coventry, UK


Areas of expertise

  • General Business - Organisational Behaviour
  • Internal Management principles
  • Global citizenship – Employability perspective
  • Online International Learning projects (OIL)  

External activities

  • Member of the British Academy of Management,
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • External examiner at Oxford Brookes – Business related undergraduate courses - 2014-2018
  • Chair at the European Conference for e-learning 2011
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