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Professor Paul Jones

Deputy Director of International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship 

Professor of Entrepreneurship

International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business and Law

LinkedIn Profile 


I am Deputy Director of the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Coventry University. Within this role, I lead research activity for ICTE. I am an experienced researcher with over 250 research outputs including three edited books, 14 book chapters, 56 journal articles and 100+ conference papers. I have acted as a guest editor for five journal special issues including the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Strategic Change and Education + Training. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and sit on the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE).

I am Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research and Associate Editor for the International Journal of Management Education. I am a member of several learned societies including the British Academy of Management and ISBE. In addition, I am an experienced external examiner at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I have supervised nine doctoral students to completion and examined 25 students in the UK, Africa and Australia. I am currently supervising a number of students and am seeking applications for doctoral candidates in the areas of entrepreneurship and small business management.



  • PhD, University of South Wales, 2008
  • Computing MSc, Cardiff University, 1992
  • Business Studies BA (Hons), University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 1991
  • PGCE, University of Wales, 1995


Research interests

During my academic career to date, I have generated over £1.4 million in external grant income. This has included entrepreneurship projects with the Nigerian government, obtaining European Structural funds, Higher Education Academy grants and Knowledge exploitation funds with the Welsh government. I am currently looking to develop projects encouraging entrepreneurial behaviour in the Middle East, Africa and the UK. I am looking to develop networks for further partnerships and am interested in any potential entrepreneurship projects on an international perspective.

Recent outputs and publications


  • Beynon, M.J., Jones, P. and Pickernell, D. (2016), Country-Level Investigation of Innovation Investment in Manufacturing: Paired fsQCA of Two Models, Journal of Business Research, 69(11): 5401–5407
  • Lewis, D., Megicks, P., Jones, P (2017) ‘Bullying and harassment and work-related stressors: Evidence from British small and medium enterprises’, International Small Business Journal, 35(1): 116-137.
  • Beynon, M.J., Jones, P. and Pickernell, D. (2016) ‘Country-based comparison analysis using fsQCA investigating entrepreneurial attitudes and activity’, Journal of Business Research, 69(4): 1271-1276.
  • Beynon, M., Jones, P., Pickernell, D., and Packham, G. (2016) ‘A NCaRBS Analysis of SME Intended Innovation: Learning about the Don’t Knows’. Omega 59(Part A): 97–112.
  • Beynon, M.J., Jones, P., Pickernell, D., and Packham, G. (2015) ‘Investigating the impact of training influence on employee retention in small and medium enterprises: a regression-type classification and ranking believe simplex analysis on sparse data’. Expert Systems 32 (1), 141-154.
  • Jones, P., Packham, G., Beynon-Davies, P., Simmons, G., and Pickernell, D. (2014) ‘An Exploration of the Attitudes and Strategic Responses of Sole-Proprietor Micro-Enterprises in Adopting ICT’. International Small Business Journal 32 (3), 285–306.

Portrait of Professor Paul JonesTeaching modules
  • I teach predominantly on postgraduate entrepreneurial modules in addition to undertaking PhD supervision.
Areas of Expertise
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Innovation
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