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Dr. Sandy Taramonli

Lecturer in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics

School of Computing, Electronics and Mathemathics
Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing

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I received my BSc degree in Computer Science in 2005 from the Technological Educational Institute of Larissa, Greece and my MSc in Data Networks and Security in 2010 from Birmingham City University. I was awarded a PhD in Energy conscious Adaptive Security from the University of Warwick in 2015. I am currently a Lecturer in Cyber Security & Digital Forensics at Coventry University and I am teaching undergraduate Ethical Hacking and Computer Science students, as well as Forensic Computing master students. I am an associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE). My major area of research is focused on adaptive security and specifically on the use of stochastic methods in low energy encryption, as well as on stochastic data mining and log file analysis for network forensics and network intrusion detection.


  • PhD in Engineering, Warwick University, 2015.
  • MSc in Data Networks and Security, 2010.
  • BSc (HONS) in Informatics and Telecommunication Engineering, Technological Educational Institution of Larissa Greece, 2005.


My research interests are focussing on stochastic log file analysis for network intrusion detection and network forensics. I am keen on using stochastic methods to provide more efficient and accurate results, both in the rea of network forensic investigations, as well as in intrusion detection systems. I am also experienced in the application of stochastic methods for low energy encryption and lightweight IoT solutions.

Recent outputs and publications

  • Hintea, D., Taramonli, C., Bird, R., and Yusuf, R. (2016) ‘Forensic Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Privacy Leakage’. 11th Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law. Held 24-26 May 2016 in Florida, USA
  • Taramonli, C., Green, R.J., and Leeson, M.S. ‘Energy Conscious Adaptive Security Scheme: A Stochastic Approach’. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing [under review]
  • Taramonli, C., Green, R.J., and Leeson, M.S. (2012) ‘Energy Conscious Adaptive Security Scheme for Optical Wireless’. In Jaworski, M., and Marciniak, M. (eds) 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ‘ICTON 2012’. Held 2-5 July 2012 in Coventry, UK. Warsaw: National Institute of Telecommunications, 1-4.


Teaching modules

  • Introduction to Computer Security
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Data and Information Retrieval
  • Activity Led Learning projects
  • Network Forensics
  • Network Security
  • Cyber Security: Management and Leadership 

Areas of expertise

  • Cyber Security
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Network Forensics
  • Data mining
  • Statistics and Probability
 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023