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Sravya Akkarabani

MBA Global Business 2019-2020

Former MBA Global Business student Sravya Akkarabani shares her favourite memories of studying with us, and tells us why taking part in the MBA Professional Development Programme was the highlight of her time at university.

Sravya Akkarabani

Why did you decide to study at Coventry University London?

I was enthusiastic about doing an MBA at a notable university. I chose Coventry University London, based on the curriculum, Professional Development Programme and High Flyers programme. The Coventry University London campus is in the core of the city, with organisations everywhere. It’s simple to travel to from any part of the city. The MBA Global Business course covers many different modules, starting from finance, marketing and leading in the changing world, to developing a business plan all by yourself.

What is your favourite moment or personal highlight of your time at Coventry University London?

For me, the best aspect of the course was the MBA Professional Development Programme which is planned particularly to enable students to evaluate their qualities. It greatly increased the value of my experience during my studies. I had the opportunity to work as a student ambassador, which did prove challenging due to the Covid-19 situation, but was still great to be a part of.

How has Coventry University London helped you progress in your career?

Through the MBA Professional Development Programme, you get the opportunity to work in groups with students from various courses. You have the chance to make friends, and receive great coaching from the group. They help you to work in teams, oversee and comprehend the significance of time, and take a shot at various ways of doing assignments. It was an incredible chance and I propose that no one should miss this.
I also had extraordinary conversations about my career plans and was in constant touch with the employability team to seek advice and grab an opportunity. The Talent Team website helped me to find the right internship placement and I am happy working as a full-time intern, post course completion.

What advice would you give to prospective students who are considering studying at Coventry University London?

I advise any student who wishes to learn at Coventry University London to settle on the correct choice, understanding the advantages of learning at a place where you have the opportunity to reproduce your educational encounters in life. You can get the best out of your academics - put your time in studying and engaging with activities. Apply for the High Flyers programme, which is recommended to stand apart from the crowd and build your confidence to confront the serious world.

Are there any other anecdotes memories or information you would like to share about your time as a Coventry University London student?

I met wonderful people from different countries, had some great learning experiences, and all the university staff have helped me in some way.

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