MBA students enjoy Japanese culture in Tokyo

Publication Year / Categories / Student

Monday 27 July 2015

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25 MBA International Human Resource Management students at Coventry University London Campus enjoyed a ten day study trip to Japan.

Accompanied by Programme Leader Aaron Taylor and Teaching Fellow in Organisational Development James Terzeon the students had the opportunity to experience all that Japanese culture had to offer from both a traditional living and business perspective.

The students had a busy schedule as they visited a number of organisations and business within Japan. Highlights included learning about Japanese business culture from the Head of Technical Maintenance for Japan Rail’s Eastern Division, a presentation from CEO of Nihon Kenko (Japanese construction company) on the competitive working environment within the declining Japanese economy and attending a HR exhibition at ‘Tokyo Big Site’ which enabled students to learn about contemporary HR business technologies.

Developing on the theory which they have learnt throughout the MBA programme, students asked the successful business leaders many questions, and gained an interesting perspective on the differences in British and Japanese business cultures.  In addition, they put their networking skills into practice, engaging in conversations with a massive international audience at the HR exhibition.

It wasn’t all work and no play, as the group enjoyed some downtime taking in the sights of the Sensoji temple in Tokyo and Narita-san temple. Smaller groups undertook trips to places including Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Mount Fuji, allowing students further opportunities to learn about Japanese food and traditions outside of Tokyo itself.

For photos from the trip see here.