Synergy Business Challenge 2014 begins

Publication Year / 2014 / Categories / Business / Student

Friday 31 October 2014

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Students at Coventry University London Campus have formed nine teams to participate in the 2014 Synergy Business Challenge.

Organised by the Employability Team, Synergy aims to develop various skills including networking, confidence and presentation skills; all while raising money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

The teams will be expected to deliver a Dragons Den style pitch where they will have the opportunity to expose their ideas to a panel of up to four members of staff at the London Campus. They will present a full strategy explaining their mission statement, goals and objectives, event concept, marketing strategy and financial forecast before inviting questions from the panel.

Mentored by members of staff, the teams will have until 28th November to compete against each other and raise as much funds as possible before the Showdown (The Final). Presenting to a panel of judges, the teams will discuss the outcome of their efforts. Collating the points given by the judges and the audience, the winning team is then announced.

For the first time since Synergy started, the winning team will then take on the winners from Regents University who are also running Synergy at their campus.