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Dr Dilfuza Kasimova



Dr Dilfuza Kasimova is a Lecturer in Accounting who has research and/or teaching experience at Northumbria University London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa in Canada, and Hitotsubashi University in Japan. Dr Kasimova did her Ph.D. at Hitostubashi University in Commerce and Management specialising in Management Accounting. Her research interests include accounting history, Japanese management accounting, knowledge translation, and performance management.

Dr Kasimova also brings industry experience in business consulting and financial leasing. At Coventry University London, Dr Kasimova is a module leader for Management Accounting and Business strategy-related modules both for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.


  • PhD with honours in Commerce and Management at HItsotsubashi University, Japan 2012
  • MA in Accounting and Finance at Hitotsubashi University, Japan 2008
  • BA with Honours in External Economic Activities, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan 2004

Research and Consultancy

Dr Kasimova is passionate about research and her research interests include accounting history, Japanese management accounting, performance management, and knowledge translation. Her current research focuses on management accounting history in Meiji Japan.

Publications and Scholarship Activities

Working papers:

  • Kasimova, Dilfuza and Cheryl S. McWatters, “Travelling ideas into Japanese management – the case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company”
  • Kasimova, Dilfuza “Transforming Educational system in Uzbekistan”

International conference presentations:

  • Kasimova, Dilfuza and C. S McWatters “Bunmei-kaika as a fashion, Imitators of the Western knowledge and its translation into Japanese management context: the case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company” Accounting History Review Conference March 2023, Nantes, France
  • Kasimova, Dilfuza (2017) “Travelling ideas into Japanese management – the case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company” (presented at Honjo International Conference, Tokyo)
  • Kasimova, Dilfuza (2013) “Early Management Accounting Practices in Japan― The Case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company” (presented at APIRA, Kobe)

Past papers:

  • Kasimova, Dilfuza (2015) “Development of reporting systems for management purposes – the case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Compnay”, in T. Hiromoto (Eds.) Japanese Management Accounting.
  • Kasimova, Dilfuza (2012) “Nihon Kigyou ni okeru Kanri Kaikei Jitsumu no Houga-1870~1880 nendai no Yubinkisen Mitsubishi Kaisha no Jirei” (Early Management Accounting Practices in Japan―Case of Mitsubishi Mail Steamship Company, 1870~1880) (presented at JCAA Conference September 2011) Genkakeisan Kenkyuu (The Journal of Cost Accounting Research), Vol.36-2.
  • Kasimova, Dilfuza (2011) “Kanri Kaikei Jitsumu no Tanjo- Hatten ha Daikigyo Toujo wo tomonau monoka? -Keieisha wo Jiku ni shite Kousatsu” (Is The Introduction and Development of Management Accounting Practices Followed by the Appearance of the Big Business? – Putting Entrepreneurs at the Centre) Sangyo-keiri (Industrial Accounting) Jan., Vol. 70-4.

Profile photo of Dilfuza Kasimova

The Queen's Award for Enterprise
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023