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Dr. Naima Parvin

Senior Lecturer and Course Director (MBA Finance)


Dr. Naima Parvin has 14 years UK HE experience teaching economics and finance. She has been working as a Senior Lecturer in Coventry University London for the last nine years. Currently, she is the Course Director of MBA Finance. She was also the Course Director of MBA Financial Services (2014-2022), MSc Global Financial Trading (2018-2019) and MSc Economics, Banking and Finance (2022-2023). As a course director she does course development, course specification and validation, module co-ordinations and management and mapping with course team for professional accreditations (CMI, CFA and FRM).

After completing her Masters from the Australian National University Naima started her academic career in 2002 with the American International University as a Lecturer of Economics and Business. She also worked in Portsmouth University (20004), Cardiff University (2006-2012), University of Bath (2008) and University of Westminster (2012) in UK. In 2012, Naima gained her PhD in economics, from Cardiff University.​


  • PhD (Economics), Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK, degree awarded in February 2012.
  • HE Professional Practice Certificate, Coventry University, UK 2015.
  • Master of Economics of Development, The Australian National University, Australia 2000-2002
  • Master of Social Science (Economics), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 1996-1998
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Economics), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 1992-1996

Professional and Industry Memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK
  • External Examiner PhD level (08/09/2023, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Bolton)

Research and Consultancy

Naima's main research areas are Financial Development, Financial Markets, Economic Growth & Development, Macroeconomics and Banking Regulation and Risk. She has published her work on Bangladesh’s agricultural growth and productivity in Economics Bulletin.

Her current works in progress include the financial development and regional economic growth in India.  She is also working on the relationship between Quantitative easing and Stock prices movements in the UK.

Publications and Scholarship Activities

Refereed Publications:

  • Selim, S. and Parvin, N. (2010) “Policy Reforms and Incentives in Rice Production in Bangladesh.” Economics Bulletin, 30(1), pp 461-471.
  • Parvin, N. and A. Parvez (2003). “Structural Adjustment Policy and Taxation in Bangladesh: Some Thoughts on their Linkage”, The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, Vol.2, No.2, pp.91-104.

Working Papers:

  • Parvin, N. and Steve. C(2014), “An explanation of the relationship between quantitative    easing and stock prices movements in the UK from 2009 to 2013: Case of the FTSE 100.” Coventry University London Campus.
  • Parvin, N. (2011) “The Role of Infrastructure and Rural Development in Explaining the Banking-Growth Nexus in India: Evidence from State Level Data”, mimeo, Cardiff University.
  • Parvin, N. (2010) “Financial Development and Endogenous Growth in an Economy with Informal Sector”, mimeo, Cardiff University.
  • Parvin, N. (2010) “Banking Development and Local Economic Growth in India: Evidence from State Level Data”, mimeo, Cardiff University. Under review.
  •  Selim, S., Parvin, N. and Patel, V. (2010) “Interaction and Non-neutral Effects of Factors in Chinese Wheat Production”, Cardiff Economics Working Paper E2010/17.

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Teaching Areas 

  • Banking Regulation and Risk
  • Financial Management
  • Global Financial Markets



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