Denham's story
The partnership with NITE has been positive, friendly, and professional. They are always willing to listen and be available to us if we ever have any questions. We are aligned on our values and doing things for the right reasons.
We believe that offering trainee teachers opportunities to practice in schools is vital for the profession - if we had not been given the opportunity ourselves, we would not be here today!
The partnership is a natural two-way benefit for the trainee and the school. The trainees are receiving the latest knowledge, and at the same time providing upskilling opportunities for the current staff.
Distance does not need to be an issue. With remote communication, you can do a lot more than people think you can - so the partnership with Coventry is great and there are great opportunities. The pandemic has meant that it has been a very different experience for trainees, but it is real life, and that’s how teaching is. I always ask potential staff about flexibility and adaptability, so in some ways this is a great learning experience for trainees.
Denham Kite - Principal, Krishna Avanti Primary School, Leicester