Addressing household food waste through a focus on planning

Food Waste
Public lectures / seminars

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Thursday 22 October 2020

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM





Event details

Guest Speaker Bio

Dr. Jordon Lazell has held the role of Research Assistant at the Centre of Business in Society, Coventry University since 2013. His research interests lie in the area of food waste, specifically food consumption, waste and mitigation behaviours of consumers as well as food waste within retail supply chains. Jordon is a co-editor of the first Routledge Handbook of Food Waste and is also co-founder and administrator of the International Food Loss and Food Waste Studies Group, a research platform for academics and practitioners working in this area.

CAWR Event Details

Food waste resulting from households continues to be an abhorrent problem. Researchers have called for greater attention on how food behaviours are situated in the prevailing organisation of everyday life to give explanation to why food comes to be wasted (Evans, 2014; Hebrok and Heidenstrøm, 2019). This paper explores the overlooked area of food planning. The research finds that waste can be attributed to how food planning is inconsistently resolved according to temporal and temporally independent factors, employed as both a formal menu or list as much as a mental exercise of negotiating circumstances and resources available. The findings reveal the need to appreciate the temporal and coordinative demands required for successful planning and the inaccuracies present in current food waste campaign materials.


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