Postgraduate community
The Centre for Business in Society has a thriving student community who are integral to the success of the Centre and contribute to our wide-ranging research portfolio.
Go to the CBiS research team page to meet the current PGR students.
CBiS postgraduate team
A dedicated PGR Director within CBiS is a first point of contact for potential students, offering support in the application process and in aligning students’ interests with a supervisory team who can guide the project to completion. Our PGR team within CBiS provides sustained support and information throughout the PhD course, encouraging students to participate in Centre and Faculty research and events.
Professor Glauco De Vita
PhD Strategic Director, Centre for Business in Society
“We have enjoyed remarkable growth since our Research Centre was developed and currently we have nearly a hundred PGRs undertaking a PhD, which makes us one of the most successful centre-based PhD programmes in the UK.”
Visit Glauco's Pure ProfileDr Jason Begley
Director of Postgraduate Research
“PhDs can expect to be mentored, supported and challenged intellectually, so that they are confident, independent critical thinkers and researchers.”
Visit Jason's Pure ProfileOur PGR testimonials
Rita Ofuomanefe Bright Ononaye
'The Impact of Legislative Reforms on the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry'
Rita is a current CBiS PhD candidate.
“Studying my PhD in CBiS has given me the opportunity to explore my areas of interest with the contribution of a dynamic academic team, professional colleagues and fellow PGR candidates. There are endless career and developmental opportunities that enrich learners
and prepare individuals for the job market, such as conferences, reading groups, academic showcases and competitions. I have enjoyed my learning experience so far; there is a proactive approach to resolving queries and a collaborative approach to study. I feel the inclusive culture keeps me motivated and informed. Coventry is a vibrant university with lots of resources available for researchers through the library, Centre for Academic Writing and the Doctoral College.”
William King
'Community Based Knowledge Sharing in a Changing Energy Sector'
William is a current CBiS PhD candidate.
“Studying my PhD with CBiS has given me the opportunity of surrounding myself with other likeminded researchers and industry experts, as well as being supervised by an extremely knowledgeable and supportive supervisory team. I have also been involved in the PGR reading group, which helped me socialise and share my experiences of my PhD journey with fellow PGRs who have a variety of research interests. The PhD has helped me develop my subject knowledge, presentation skills and perspective on the world – all of which I see as key learning opportunities throughout the process.”
George Eremionkhale
'Augmented Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) Towards Negative Recycling Behaviour in Nigeria'
George is a current CBiS PhD candidate.
“Since starting my PhD journey at CBIS, I have had an exciting and rewarding experience. I feel like I am truly part of a family: the CBIS family. I have been given the opportunity to gain many different experiences, such as raising my research profile at national conferences. The diverse community at the university has made me feel welcome, which in turn has enabled me to give my all to my research. The CBIS community has enabled me take part in many crosscultural research opportunities, which has given me a great foundation to expand my skills and capabilities as a researcher. During my time, I have been both supported and challenged by my supervisory team. I am excited to continue to explore my
future in academia, as well as being confident that my research journey at Coventry will shape my future journey towards becoming an independent researcher.”
Dongmei Cao
Dongmei Cao completed her PhD in 2015 and is now a lecturer in the Business School at Coventry University.
“My PhD journey was quite successful and I have enjoyed the whole duration with my supervisory team; Nigel Berkeley (Director of Studies) Don Finlay and Husni Kharouf (Supervisors). I am very grateful to my supervisory team members; they are fantastic, professional, supportive and considerate. I am proud of having been a CBiS PhD student.
I strongly recommend a CBiS PhD studentship because of the following:
- CBiS has excellent research experts in multi-disciplines across Management, Economics and Marketing, particularly core research areas such as industry & economic growth and responsible business.
- You will gain fantastic personal development with CBiS and experiences in multi-cultural contexts including your colleagues, your supervisory team and support from various levels across Coventry University, Business School and CBiS.
My personal advice to prospective candidates: Make sure you are ready for and dedicated to the journey since there will be ups and downs ahead; family support is always the most important.
You will experience nirvana at the end of your journey!”
Sanne Velthuis
'Occupational and wage progression among low-paid workers'.
Sanne Velthuis completed her PhD in 2019.
Upon completion of her PhD, Sanne joined the University of Manchester’s Institute for Education as a full-time research associate focusing on post-16 educational transitions, inequality and low-paid work.
"I chose to do a PhD at CBiS because they advertised a studentship in an area I was very much interested in: Occupational and wage progression among low-paid workers. My experience of doing a PhD at the Centre for Business in Society has so far been very positive. Support from staff is excellent and there is a good PhD student community. I am hoping that completing a PhD at CBiS will equip me with the necessary skills and experience to have a successful career."
Malte Busch
‘An Analysis of the Influence of Institutions on CSR Approaches: A Transnational Comparison of MNCs in the Automotive Industry’.
Malte Busch completed his PhD in 2018.
"I chose CBiS for my PhD studies as the centre offers a vibrant academic community consisting of experienced senior academics, enthusiastic young researchers and an engaged student supporting team. CBiS PhD students have their own office in which they can study in silence, but also to meet fellow students for insightful discussions. Staff are friendly and welcoming and help whenever it is needed. Doing a PhD at CBiS provides the students with a rich set of skills, which can be further developed by visiting one of the numerous workshops and seminars. It is therefore strongly recommended to apply for a PhD at CBiS. In the course of the PhD, I hope that I will gain the necessary academic and practical skills to pursue a career that enables me to work in academia as well as in business".