PhD Research
What We Offer
The CFCI brings our expertise in finance, economics, corporate accountability and law together to provide an appropriate ‘hub’ to explore the synergetic and inter-disciplinary nature of such research problems external drivers of financial and economic contemporary problems facing global businesses.
As a PG researcher within the Centre you will be encouraged to access and engage with our academic staff, become an active member of our lively PhD community and take the opportunity to enhance and promote your research to the widest possible audience
The CFCI creates many opportunities for our PGR community. Some of our activities include 1) PGR Community Building Events: regular meetings focusing on students’ experience and networking. 2) CFCI Seminar Series: held at regular intervals (weekly or fortnightly) with guest presentations from existing members, international visiting researchers and invited speakers and 3) Specialised Research Workshops: specialised research workshops, e.g. quantitative research methodology and software skills.
Main Areas of Supervision
- Corporate finance
- Behavioural finance
- Corporate governance
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Sustainable finance
- Risk management and leverage
- Fintech
- Financial markets
- Tax and financial crime
- Environmental law
- Rule of law and justice
- Economics of conflict
- Economic and human development
- International competitiveness and FDI
For a more detailed description of the areas of expertise of our research team, please visit our cluster pages:
- Law, Risk and Compliance
- Corporate Finance, Governance and Sustainability
- Financial Innovation and Stability
Facilities, Software and Databases for PhD students
Our main CFCI research office is located in the research hub of the business school. Our postgraduate research (PGR) students, including PhD students, have exclusive access to its 20 PCs. Students can also access docking stations, lockers, printing, and kitchen facilities designated for the PGRs. Other computer rooms managed by the business school are open to the CFCI PGRs.
Students can hire a laptop from the doctoral college and use it throughout their study. They also have a student allowance per year to purchase equipment and specialist software and books. There is an extra allowance for the PGRs to attend a conference and cover fieldwork.
Software and Databases
All PGRs can use the latest version of STATA MP (multicore support) via our AppsAnywhere platform. In addition, our students can use all university-standard analytic software, e.g. SPSS, Nvivo, Qualtrics, Minitab, Tableau, Matlab, Maple, Endnote, R, Python and more. Many of them can be installed on personal/home computers through AppsAnywhere.
Our PGR students have exclusive access rights to:
- Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS): the best subscription service for academic databased such as Compustat (corporate finance and financial markets), CRSP (US financial markets), Boardex (corporate governance) and more.
- CSMAR: the most reliable Chinese firms and financial market data.
We also provide access to university/faculty provided databases such as:
- Bloomberg Professional: the best professional platform for finance and economics data.
- Refinitive Workspace (inc. Datastream, Worldscope, I/B/E/S and Eikon): the most extensive economics and finance database.
- Fitch Connect: well-renowned for banking, credit risk and other finance data.
- BankFocus, ISS, FAME, IBISWorld, Mintel and more.
We have a vast range of subscription to academic journals. They can be accessed through institutional logins via Shibboleth, OpenAthens and Coventry Locate using the university login credentials on campus and at home. Subscribed publishers/databases include EBSCO, JSTOR, ScienceDirect and Emerald, among many others. Our subject librarian oversees them and answers any query from the PGR students.
Our learning sources include the full subscription to LinkedIn Learning and Sage Research Methods. Financial Times and many more are also provided via our library.
Postdoctoral opportunities with CFCI
A number of funded postdoctoral posts are also available to successful candidates at the end of their doctoral research journey. Postdoctoral fellowships in CFCI aim to develop clear career pathways for PhD candidates who have submitted their thesis and allow them to benefit from a structured mentoring programme by being involved in additional projects within the Research Centre to which they are attached. The scheme is designed for postdoctoral researchers who have consistently delivered high quality research and are able to demonstrate an ability to create a strong research proposal as an independent researcher.