Statistical Physics
Statistical Physics is a research group within the Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Focus of our research
The Statistical Physics group was originally established in 2006.
Led by Professor Ralph Kenna, our group has an international reputation in classical and quantum statistical physics, including liquid crystals and polymers. Alongside these cohesive interests, our team are renowned as pioneers in interdisciplinary research of complex systems. We collaborate worldwide in biophysics, computational physics, cosmology, informatics, sociophysics, transport and narrative networks.
Project spotlight
Maths Meets Myths: Quantifying narratives through statistical physics to examine social structures in some of the world’s best-known myths and legends, to investigate how content is based on real-life patterns of relationships.
Variability & Self-Organisation in Stellar Evolution: Combining the novel concepts of self-organisation and probability density functions to understand and model explosive solar/stellar flare.