Our publications
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Here is a selection of our most up to date publications.
Title | Synopsis | Author(s) |
Academic development to support the internationalization of the curriculum (IoC): A qualitative research synthesis. (2020) In: International Journal for Academic Development. 25, 3, p. 218-231 14 p. | In this paper we employed qualitative research synthesis to identify journal articles that consider academic development to support internationalization of the curriculum (IoC). Despite their diversity, we found common themes in the five selected studies. We weave these themes with Betty Leask’s five-stage model of the IoC process, and Cynthia Joseph’s call for a pedagogy of social justice. | Katherine Wimpenny, Jos Beelen, and Virginia King |
The evolution of mathematics support: a literature review. (2020) In: International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51(8), 1224-1254 | Mathematics support, the provision of additional learning opportunities to, primarily, non- mathematics specialist undergraduates has grown significantly since the early 1990s, particularly in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Alongside the growth in volume of provision, there has been a marked increase in the amount of research and scholarship relating to mathematics support that has been carried out and disseminated. This paper reviews this literature and in doing so identifies areas in which mathematics support has evolved. | Duncan Lawson, Michael Grove, and Tony Croft |
Mapping community, social, and economic risks to investigate the association with school violence and bullying in Italy. (2020) In: Child Abuse and Neglect. | School violence and bullying are a pandemic issue. The academic literature underlined the need to investigate social-contextual risk factors. The United Nations called for more comprehensive and disaggregated data to inform prevention strategies. The present study comprises a set of secondary analyses on Italian data from the International Civic and Citizenship Study 2016. We adopted an innovative ‘bottom-up’ approach to identify the level of disaggregation for national data. The researchers focused on community, social, and economic risk indicators at school-level, and investigated whether it was possible to aggregate schools in different classes, depending on their risk profile. | Carlo Tramontano, Annalaura Nocentini, Laura Palmerio, Bruno Losito, and Ersilia Menesini |
The Anti-Ecological University: Competitive Higher Education as Ecological Catastrophe. (2020) In: Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education, 2(2), pp.45-66 | The article aims at critiquing the current competitive framing which is shaping higher education policies and discourse at an international level. We trace the roots of this framing to ideological mis-interpretations of evolutionary theory and ecology, and to the influence of eugenics in the framing of educational policy. We then use a systems theory lens to articulate the negative impact of competitive dynamics in global education on an eco-systemic level, focusing on a “de-ecologisation” of the two dimensions of time and space in the lives of university students and staff. | Luca Morini |
Higher education decolonisation: #Whose voices and their geographical locations?(2021) In: Globalisation, Societies and Education. 25, 3, p. 1-15 | The paper recognises the importance for decolonisation in education as the tensions explored by the authors often intersect through Higher Education into other domains of the political, social, economic and culturally important areas for replication and change in society. | Arinola Adefila, Rafael Vieira Teixeira, Luca Morini, Maria Lucia Texeira Garcia, Tania Mara Zanotti Guerra Frizzera Delboni, Gary Spolander, Mouzayian Khalil-Babatunde |
Uses of corpus linguistics in education research: An adjustable lens. (2021) Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. Emerald, Vol. 6. p. 21-40 20 p. (Theory and Method in Higher Education Research; vol. 6). | In this chapter, we explore uses of corpus linguistics within higher education research. We give a flavour of how corpus linguistic techniques, in isolation or as part of a wider research approach, can be particularly helpful to higher education researchers who wish to investigate language data and its context. | Sian Alsop, Virginia King, Genie Giaimo, Xiaoyu Xu |
The roles of morphology, phonology and prosody in reading and spelling multisyllabic words. (2021) In: Applied Psycholinguistics. (In-Press), p. (In-Press) 21 p. | This paper examines the contributions of morphological awareness (MA; awareness of derivational morphemes), prosodic sensitivity (sensitivity to lexical stress), and phonological awareness (PA; awareness of phonemes) for multisyllabic word reading and spelling, after accounting for background variables (age, vocabulary, nonverbal IQ, short-term memory). Seventy 7–10-year-old children completed a battery of tasks. |
Jodie Enderby, Julia Carroll, Luisa Tarczynski-Bowles, Helen Breadmore |
Neurodiversidad en la Educación Superior: la experiencia de los estudiantes. (2021) In: Revista de la Educación Superior. 50, 200, p. 129-151 23 p., 200. | These results demonstrate that the term neurodiversity is under the appropriation process and that students suffer silently the lack of support for specific learning needs, which is related to a lack of an early diagnosis, the fact that students hide their neurodiverse condition, the lack of proper legislation, and the existent focus on disability rather than on neurodiversity. | Genoveva Amador Fierros, Lynn Clouder, Mehmet Karakus, Isaac Uribe Alvarado, Alessia Cinotti, Maria Virginia Ferreyra, Patricia Rojo |
Conceptualising leadership and emotions in higher education: wellbeing as wholeness. (2021) In: Journal of educational administration and history. 53, 2, p. 158-171 14 p. | In this conceptual article the authors outline an approach to leadership in higher education that foregrounds attention to wholeness and wellbeing, framing emotion as inherent to the practice of leadership, with all organizing actions inseparable from and influenced by emotion. | Sabre Cherkowski, Benjamin Kutsyuruba, Keith Walker, Megan Crawford |
Enhancing Transnational Education (TNE) Programmes: Understanding Student Motivations, Satisfaction and Attainment in Anglo-Sino programmes.(2021) Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (Accepted) | Drawing on push–pull theory and using survey (328) and interview data (40) from students at two Anglo-Sino programmes, this study findings highlight that understanding Chinese students’ motivation requires a more contextualised and student-centric approach, to better appreciate student choices, including though a Confucian lens. | Dan Liu, Alun DeWinter, Peter Harrison, Katherine Wimpenny |
The Factors Predicting the Achievement of the Immigrant Students: A Multilevel Analysis of PISA 2018. (2021) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Large Scale Assessment SIG Paper Session. | This study seeks to explore the antecedents of the first- and second-generation (1G and 2G) immigrant students’ academic performance using the PISA 2018 data. | Mehmet Karakus, Matthew Courtney |
Borderlanders: Academic staff being and becoming doctoral students. (2021) Teaching in Higher Education – Special Issue Working in the borderlands: critical perspectives on doctoral education.[Accepted]. | The notion of borderlands implies a boundary demarcating a crossing to/from an unfamiliar territory. It is a productive metaphor for dual-status academics – those employed in academic roles in universities who concurrently undertake doctoral studies. We argue that dual-status academics dwell in an extended form of boundary crossing, potentially to-ing and fro-ing several times a day, inducing unforeseen impacts on identities. Having previously reported the structures that frame this boundary crossing, here we re-analyse an existing data set for the visceral: the stories of code-switching, of peripheral existence and of agentic purpose. Our data indicate that dual-status academics adopt a transactional approach to doctoral supervision that results in a ‘fight or flight’ response to the emotional and relationship challenges these borderlands present with implications for how academics manage colleague supervision, both as supervisor and supervisee. Our study leads us to recommend tailored institutional and supervisory support pedagogies for these academics. | Jennie Billot, Virginia King, Jan Smith , Lynn Clouder |
Internationalisation in the classroom and questions of alignment: embedding COIL in an internationalised curriculum. (2021) Reshaping International Teaching and Learning: Universities in the Information Age. Part 1: Routledge, (Elspeth Jones, Internationalisation in Higher Education). | This chapter outlines the experiences of two universities (Coventry University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences, THUAS) in two countries (The United Kingdom and the Netherlands), with two teaching languages (English and Dutch), that have implemented Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) between students for similar reasons, yet have chosen very different implementation processes. | Jos Beelen, Katherine Wimpenny, Jon Rubin |
The student experiences of teaching and learning in transnational higher education: A phenomenographic study from a British-Qatari partnership. (2022) In: Journal of Studies in International Education. (In-press), p. (In-press). | This study offers HEIs a better understanding and insight into the design of TNHE programmes that would respond to the students’ learning experiences and educational development. | Khalifa Alyafei, Rami Ayoubi, Megan Crawford |
A ‘Glocal’ Community of Practice to Support International ELT (English Language Teaching) Students in the UK: Project BMELTET. (2022) In: Handbook of Research on Teaching Strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Students | This chapter reports on the project ‘Blending MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) into English Language Teaching (ELT) Education with Telecollaboration (BMELTET)’. BMELTET aims to foster reflection on ELT with a COIL-(Collaborative Online International Learning) MOOC blend. | Marina Orsini-Jones, Abraham Cervero' Carrascosa, Kyria Finardi |
Post-pandemic Online Mathematics and Statistics Support - practitioners’ opinions in Germany and the British Isles (2023) In: International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology |
Mathematics and statistics support plays an important role at many universities. Typically, support has been provided in person at a fixed location on campus. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, offerings had to be changed to online provision. This paper reports on a scoping study comparing how support services changed during the pandemic at institutions in Germany and Great Britain & Ireland (GBI), exploring how well online support methods worked, and what can be learned for the future. | Holly Jade Gilbert, Mirko Schürmann, Duncan Lawson, Michael Liebendörfer, Mark Hodds |