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Research Centre for Healthcare and Communities

The Research Centre for Healthcare and Communities enables academic and clinical healthcare leaders, educators and researchers to develop and lead research across the NHS, universities and partners, creating the key links between research, practice and education to make a difference to patient care at local, national and global level. Through the combination of academic and clinical expertise, the centre supports skilled, compassionate, effective health care and best patient outcomes, through excellence in research and development, innovation and enterprise, education, capacity building and leadership.

The centre works closely with Coventry University’s Centre for Care Excellence for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health.

Group of academic staff stood outside university building

From nurse to professor - an academic leap forward for healthcare professionals

A collaboration between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has appointed a nurse into a professorial role for the first time.

Study opportunities

The Centre for Healthcare and Communities offers opportunities to talented researchers who are looking to study for a funded or self-funded PhD studentship or undertake a ‘Structure PhD’ programme. Explore our opportunities.

Our themes

Latest news

Five professors standing together at the Centre for Care Excellence

From nurse to professor - an academic leap forward for healthcare professionals

25 March 2024

A collaboration between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has appointed a nurse into a professorial role for the first time.

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