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Person undergoing testing on a treadmill

Physical Activity, Health and Clinical Exercise Physiology

We focus on the impact of physical activity and exercise on health and wellbeing. We develop, implement, monitor and evaluate interventions supporting public health specialists and clinicians as demanded.

Focus of our research

The Physical Activity, Health and Clinical Exercise Physiology theme undertakes high quality research and consultancy that is meaningful, impactful and aims to educate, encourage and support people to be active everyday as a way of life.

We focus on epidemiology as well as the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of physical activity and exercise interventions in real world settings.  This includes working with public health specialists in communities to reduce physical activity inequalities as well as working with clinicians in primary or secondary to reduce the impacts of non-communicable diseases.

Encompassing the whole life cycle we draw upon the disciplines of exercise physiology, nutrition, exercise psychology, biomechanics and implementation science in order to better understand movement and how to get people to move. We have extensive experience of whole systems approaches to physical activity and understanding complexity.

Key researchers

Professor David Broom

Theme Lead

David Broom is Professor of Physical Activity, Exercise and Health at Coventry University. His area of expertise is the effects of exercise and nutritional interventions on appetite and energy balance in the prevention and treatment of excess weight and obesity. This includes the funded development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of such interventions with burgeoning expertise in home-based exercise.

Notably, he was on the Chief Medical Officers expert working group that updated the adult Physical Activity Guidelines published in 2019.


Project Spotlight


Project Name Project Information Project Link
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