This project aims to improve the provision of teaching, learning and training within the peacebuilding industry.
Peacebuilding combined with conflict transformation is a holistic and multifaceted process that embraces conflict as a potentially constructive force. As such, it aims to reduce violence and protect and promote social justice, positive social relations and sustainable peace.
Building a just peace requires timely interventions designed at all levels of society (individual, collective, institutional), that respect the wider cultural context of the conflict. In this way, conflict transformation is typically a long-term process. It includes changing attitudes, behaviours, relationships, systems and structures that cause violence and, where necessary, it also means intensifying nonviolent resistance.
Our research critically analyses intervention in situations of violence including international peacebuilding, re-construction, transitional justice initiatives, counter-terrorism, and preventing violent extremism, and pays special attention to roles for international organizations, diaspora, civil society, youth, and nonviolent movements.
Our critical analysis recognizes that intervention must start with ourselves, our approach to, and openness to learning from, others and, in particular, our approach to research (not extractive; emancipatory; based on mutuality and equal partnership). This research is enhanced through a variety of international partnerships, staff and student exchanges, teaching, continuing professional development and training. Geographical areas include Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Colombia, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Turkey. Funders include the Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust, Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), British Academy, British Council, the European Commission, Erasmus+, Leverhulme Trust, National Research Foundation of South Africa, the Swedish Institute, the United Nations and a variety of NGOs.
Bahar Baser, Associate Professor (Group Leader)Politics and homeland conflicts, diaspora, Kurds, ethnic lobbying |
Chuck Thiessen, Associate ProfessorInternational peacebuilding, preventing violent extremism, conflict resolution |
Aurelie Broeckerhoff, Research FellowEveryday diversity, consumer culture and markets |
Marwan Darweish, Associate ProfessorConflict transformation, non-violent civil resistance in conflict |
Elly Harrowell, Assistant ProfessorPost-conflict reconstruction, gender, geographies of peace |
Michaelina Jakala, Assistant ProfessorEveryday peacebuilding, reparation, justice, education and gender |
Patricia Sellick, Associate ProfessorNonviolence and conflict transformation/ international non-governmental organisations |
Fabio Carbone, Associate, Lecturer |
Rachel Monaghan, Professor of Peace and ConflictInformal justice, counter-terrorism, political violence |
Charlie Rumsby, Research Fellow |
Rana Aytug, Research Fellow |
This project aims to improve the provision of teaching, learning and training within the peacebuilding industry.
This project builds sustainable partnerships with research organizations in 5 low-to-middle-income-countries (LMICs) to understand the relationship between informal/formal economic justice in conflict-affected societies.
This project responds to the experience of policymakers and practitioners working who find policies developed and implemented under the rubric of PVE to be ambiguous and vague, which can lead to dignity being compromised.
A collaboration between CTPSR and the Palestinian Popular Struggle Coordination Committee. 30 young people living in the South Hebron Hills, have interviewed members of the oldest generation in thirty villages and hamlets to gather their intangible cultural heritage.
This project looks at how we to ensure that young people’s voices are listened to and acted upon in societies where youth marginalisation has been a factor facilitating their mobilisation into violence.
Responsible Journalism and Communication in Divided and Conflicted Societies
Tuesday 15 September 2020 to Wednesday 16 September 2020
Scholars of Journalism, Political and Governmental Communication met in this innovative conference, to consider leading-edge developments in their respective fields, with opportunities for dialogue between them to foster mutual insight and collaboration. Selected papers from the conference will be gathered and presented for publication as an edited collection to a major international academic publisher.
Advancing Peace Geographies: Transformations, Collaborations and New Directions
15 - 16th July 2019, Coventry University
We contend that the intellectual ground opened up by peace geographies still holds untapped potential to advance critical and engaged scholarship in Peace Studies and Geography alike. Geographical understandings of place, space and scale open up new avenues to ground peacemaking processes in concrete spatio-temporal contexts. This conference provided an opportunity to take stock of progress made in the emerging field of peace geographies, with particular attention to radical intersections. We identified new directions for research and actively built bridges between researchers in different disciplines.
Conference - Politics, Policies & Diplomacy of Diaspora Governance
6th December 2018
Dr Bahar Baser worked with CTPSR PhD students Rana Aytung and Lee Daly, and Dr Henio Hoyo from the University of Monterrey in Mexico to organise a diaspora conference at The Freud Museum in London. The conference was attended by nearly 30 delegates who heard presentations from 18 speakers on diaspora issues in, amongst other countries, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco and Turkey.