Our publications
Selected publications based on this research include:
- Crawley, H., Düvell, F., Jones, K., McMahon, S. and Sigona, N. (2018) Unravelling Europe’s Migration Crisis’: Journeys Over Land and Sea, Bristol: Policy Press ISBN 978-1447343219 [monograph, will need to be provided directly to the Panel]
- Crawley, H. and Skleparis, D. (2017) ‘Refugee, migrant, neither, both: categorical fetishism and the politics of bounding in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44(1), 48-64 doi:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1348224
- Crawley, H. and Hagen-Zanker, J. (2019) ‘Deciding where to go: policies, people and perceptions shaping destination preferences’, International Migration 57(1), 20-35 doi.org/10.1111/imig.12537
- Crawley, H. and Jones, K (forthcoming, internally reviewed and accepted for Special Issue) ‘Beyond here and there: (re)conceptualising migrant journeys and the ‘in- between’’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
- McMahon, S. and Sigona, N. (2018) ‘Navigating the Central Mediterranean in a time of ‘crisis’: disentangling migration governance and migrant journeys’, Sociology doi:10.1177/10038038518762082
- Crawley, H., McMahon, S. and Jones, K. (2016) Victims and Villains: Migrant Voices in the British Media, Migrant Voice/Coventry University