Our Work
Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism projects
Names in bold denote CTPSR staff or visiting fellows:
- ‘Gender and responding to violent extremism’, by Sahla Aroussi, with Pauline Skaper (The Rift Valley Institute, Kenya) and Fatuma Ahmed (the United States International University, Kenya). Funded by a GCRF Global Engagement Network Grant, 2019-2021.
- ‘Life stories of former Channel mentees: Understanding the effects of deradicalisation mentoring programmes’, by Raquel da Silva (Birmingham University) and Joel Busher. Funded by British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, 2019-2021.
- ‘Gender and resistance to violent extremism: Untold stories of everyday resistance in Kenya’, by Sahla Aroussi, with Michaelina Jakala, and George Kut ( Mshikamano Trust, Kenya). Funded by The British Academy, Tackling International Challenges Award, 2019 - 2021.
- ‘”Hot periods” of anti-minority activism and the threat of violent domestic extremism: Towards an assessment framework’, by Joel Busher, with Gareth Harris, Julia Ebner (Institute for Strategic Dialogue) and Graham Macklin (Oslo University). Funded by the Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST), 2019-2020
- ‘Counter terrorism policies and returning foreign fighters’, by Bahar Baser, with free-lance journalists Nora Martin and Will Baxter. Funded by a Thomson Reuters Foundation (in collaboration with the Stanley Foundation and Gerda Henkel Stiftung), Uncovering Security Grant, 2018-2019.
- ‘Special Interest Group on Countering Extremism’, by Gareth Harris, with Joel Busher, Tom Fisher, Daniel Range and the Local Government Association. Funded by the UK Home Office and the Ministry for Housing and Communities and Local Government, 2017-20.
- ‘The internal brakes on violent escalation’ (https://crestresearch.ac.uk/projects/internal-brakes-violent-escalation/), by Joel Busher, with Donald Holbrook (UCL) and Graham Macklin (University of Oslo). Funded by CREST, 2017-19.
- ‘Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE): from international policy to local significance,’ by Sahla Aroussi. Funded by a Coventry University Innovation Research Award, 2017-2019.
- ‘An update to the Managing the Far Right toolkit: New challenges and new management,’ by Gareth Harris. Funded by the Local Government Association, 2017.
- ‘UN-sponsored conflict resolution in Kyrgyzstan: the UN and preventing violent extremism,’ by Chuck Thiessen. Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, 2016-18.
- ‘What the new counter-terrorism duty means for schools and further education colleges’, by Joel Busher, Tufyal Choudhury (Durham University), Paul Thomas (University of Huddersfield), and Gareth Harris. Funded by The Aziz Foundation, 2016-18.
- ‘Prevent local service delivery: Project evaluations’, by Tom Fisher, with multiple CTPSR staff. Funded by the UK Home Office, 2016-18.
- ‘Perceptions of justice and hierarchies of rape: Rethinking approaches to sexual violence in conflict affected societies from the bottom-up’, by Sahla Aroussi, with The Justice and Peace Commission, Bukavu. Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust, 2016-2018.
- ‘National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security’, by Sahla Aroussi, with Melanie Hoewer (University College Dublin). Funded by a NATO Science and Security Programme Adavanced Worshop Grant, 2015-2017.
- ‘A comparative analysis of the evolution of anti-Muslim activism in two English towns,’ by Gareth Harris, Joel Busher and Graham Macklin (University of Oslo). Funded by the Special Interest Group on Far Right Activity, UK Department for Communities and Local Government, 2013-15.
- ‘Communicating the Amman Message’ – A religious literacy programme across Europe and the Middle East, combatting sectarianism and violent extremism, led by Tom Fisher. Funded by the European Commission, 2012-2014.