Managing Declines Positively

The project aims to change the practices of credit unions and CDFIs in managing declines, to better support these vulnerable clients, leading to positive change in their financial wellbeing.

Buy Now Pay Later in the UK: Current and emergent digital vulnerabilities

This pilot research will investigate current and emerging digital vulnerabilities through “new” FinTech Buy Now Pay Later business models and services operating in the UK.

Co-designing Digital Strategies for the Museum and Education Sectors

The objective is to investigate the challenges and ‘good digital practice’ activities undertaken by museums, primarily with schools, during the pandemic. 

GAP-E: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Researching Key Industry Gaps in AI and Ethics

Coventry University lead on 'GAP-E: transdisciplinary approaches to researching key industry gaps in AI and Ethics.'

Lived experiences of gambling, gambling-related harms, and crime within ethnic minority communities

The overarching aim of the research was to amplify the voices of people from ethnic minority communities who have been affected by gambling and crime.

UK-SEA Partnerships and Exchanges Baseline Research (UK-SEA PEER)

This study aims to develop a greater understanding of policies, practices, emerging priorities and concepts of HE internationalisation in the UK and South East Asia.

Trade-off Management between Safety and Cybersecurity (TOMSAC)

This research is aimed at assuring cybersecurity and safety of complex CPS/IoT systems, which arise from convergence of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT).

Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance (CSI-COP)

CSI-COP involves citizen scientists to co-investigate the extent of online tracking through exploring cookies in websites and apps on mobile devices

Big Data, Big Capabilities: Developing the Senior Finance Professionals of the Future to Exploit the Benefits of Big Data

This study aims to examine the main capabilities that senior finance professionals/accountants need to make good use of BD in their decision-making and propose how senior finance professionals/accountants can acquire and develop a portfolio of these new capabilities.

Reducing Financial Vulnerability within Birmingham's Muslim Community

A research project led by the Centre for Business in Society aiming to Reduce Financial Vulnerability within Birmingham's Muslim Community.

Restorative Business Models for the Automotive Sector and Beyond: Developing a predictive maintenance industrial symbiosis

A consortium of Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) stakeholders covering the business, engineering, applications and circular economy dimensions, focussed on exploring the future lives for HFCs first used in the automotive settings.


The CreativeCulture project aims to expand the GameChangers programme to address educational challenges within the context of inclusive learning for learners from the rural parts of Malaysia Borneo.

Sustainable management of an Ethiopian rangeland for biodiversity and pastoralists

This project looks at how sustainable management of the Liben Plain enhances livelihoods and food security for 10,000 pastoralists, prevents mainland Africa’s first bird extinction and integrates biodiversity conservation into Ethiopian rangeland recovery.

OPENMED: Exploring Intercultural Learning through Open Education Practices across the Mediterranean

OpenMed ‘Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean Countries’, is an international cooperation involving five partners from Europe and nine from the South-Mediterranean (S-M) region (Morocco, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan). The project is focused on how universities from the designated countries, and other S-M countries, can join the action as community partners in the adoption of strategies and channels that embrace the principles of openness and reusability within the context of higher education. Open Education represents transparency, equity and participation. Such values are core in widening participation and building capacity in Open Education Practices, important to the national contexts of the Mediterranean countries.

IFS - The Intervention Toolkit

This project will produce a coherent system, supported by data analytics, to identify students at risk of underachievement at four UK institutions, and offer solutions in the form of appropriate, high quality academic interventions to ensure those students continue and succeed.

Culture Moves

CultureMoves is a user-oriented project that aims to develop a series of digital tools and services that will enable new forms of touristic engagement and educational resources by leveraging the re-use of Europeana content.

Reality Remix

The 'Reality Remix' project brings together an interdisciplinary team of experts to address challenges and opportunities that emergent technologies bring to content creation and interaction methods in Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Cyber security monitoring and risk assessment in local government authorities: a social engineering exercise

The aim of this project was to achieve the operational change required to overcome some of the key barriers to eGovernance and ICT adoption, particularly those related to data security and operational resilience.

Managing the Impacts of Mega-Events: Towards Sustainable Legacies (CARNIVAL)

Investigating the factors that impact upon the planned and unplanned legacy outcomes of sporting and non-sporting mega-events and their implications for stakeholders.

Urban and Rural Connectivity in Non-Metropolitan Regions (URRUC)

This project brought together stakeholders and research institutions from four EU countries to address the challenges of mobility and accessibility in four specific regions within their borders.