Beautiful places as contested spaces

Examining the potential effect of Welsh Governments new landscape management schemes on the economic, environmental and cultural activities and values of Cambrian Mountain Range residents and stakeholders.

Creative Approaches to Death and Grief

Grief is a universal human experience and a natural response to the loss of a loved one. It can have long-lasting effects on wellbeing, and those experiencing it may benefit from support to navigate the challenges that it entails.

Return to Sender: Mapping Memory Journeys in the Europeana 1914-1918 Postcard Archive

Archives, as a combination of individual artefacts from different contributors, times and locations, are where society builds its collective memories.

Lleoedd hardd fel gofodau ymryson

Archwilio effaith bosibl cynlluniau rheoli tirwedd newydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar weithgareddau a gwerthoedd economaidd, amgylcheddol a diwylliannol trigolion a rhanddeiliaid Bryniau Cambrian.

PRiFin - Perception of Risk in the Financial System: The Impact of Financial Innovation on the Perception-Belief-Behaviour Nexus – Preliminary Findings

It has become more crucial than ever to improve our understanding of perceptions in risk-taking and risk-seeking in the financial operator’s decision-making process. 

Impact of oil price fluctuations and volatility on the business cycle of major oil exporting and importing countries

This research aims to analyse the relationship between oil prices changes (volatility) on the business cycle of major oil exporting and importing countries.

Proactive community adaptation to climate change through social transformation and behavioural change

PRO-CLIMATE aims to investigate the drivers and barriers to behavioural change, explore pathways towards achieving effective governance and organisational improvements for example in processes and procedures, to enable and enhance climate resilience.

Designing ‘safe spaces’ for black children and young people in care placements with an emphasis on identity and voice

This project seeks to address the lack of research into the lived experiences of Black children and young people in care placements by creating 'safe spaces' for them and promoting their voice and discussion of their identity and culture.

Exploring the glass-cliff phenomenon in the appointments of female Chairpersons on FTSE350 boards

The study will help develop insights into the impact of recent regulatory initiatives on female leaders and any changes that may be warranted in policy & praxis for the sustainable growth of female leaders and organisations.

Pilot of a teacher training intervention to deliver student-centred motor learning pedagogical approaches

This project is a pilot of a teacher training intervention to deliver student-centred motor learning pedagogical approaches and improve primary school children’s motor competence and motivation in physical education

A PROactive approach for COmmunities to enAble Societal Transformation

The PRO-Coast project aims to stimulate and empower local communities and civil society in general, to support restoration and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe.

Bioleaching technology for the recovery of metals from Electronic Waste

Applications to Bioleaching technology to extract precious metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), whilst preserving the environment and preventing health-related issues worldwide.

Lanchester Interactive Archive

The project has created a ‘Lanchester Interactive Archive Space’ within the Lanchester Library, following the first phase, which saw the formalisation and realisation of plans for how the space would look and operate.

Modernity and Disability: Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students (MUSE)

The overall objective of the MUSE project is to improve access, ensure learning conditions and develop employment opportunities for HEIs’ Disabled Students in Latin American countries via modern inclusion practices and networking. The three Latin American countries involved in are Chile, Mexico and Argentina, with the support of institutions in EU (UK, Spain, Italy and Greece).

Progression of Accessibility Centres in higher Education for Students with disabilities in North Africa (PACES)

The aim of this project is to develop socioeconomic growth by modernising Higher Education and making it more accessible to students with special needs, thereby enabling Students with Disabilities to enter the workforce and become independent.

Tripura Agroecology Partnership

This project aims to link nutritional security with selective agroecological diversification for resilient rural communities.

Co-Creating Welfare (CCW)

The project is funded by Erasmus+, the EU’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, and involves partners in Denmark, France and Portugal. As this is all about co-creation, we have practiced what we preach and have been talking to people working in welfare from the beginning and will continue to gather feedback along the way. We hope that with our help, welfare organisations across Europe will start putting these methods into action. Everyone should be involved together as a team from the beginning and all the way through.

Life on the Breadline: Christianity, Poverty and Politics in the 21st Century city

The aim of this project is to understand how the social context resulting from the 'age of austerity' has affected Christian engagement with poverty in the UK and the theological motivations, which underpin it. 

ÜberReste. Strategien des Bleibens in den darstellenden Künsten (On Remnants and Vestiges. Strategies of Remaining in the Performing Arts)

The project investigates the challenges inherent in remaining and preserving in the fields of dance, music theatre and performance that otherwise operate under the primacy of presence. 

Waste Food-Energy-Water Urban Living Labs - mapping and reducing waste in the food-energy-water nexus

We aim to map and substantially reduce waste in the urban food-energy-water (FEW) nexus in city-regions across three continents: Europe, Africa and South America. We will establish four Urban Living Labs (ULL) of key stakeholders who will undertake participatory research to: a) map resource flows; b) identify critical dysfunctional linear pathways; c) agree the response most appropriate to the local context (e.g. policy intervention, technology diffusion); d) model the market and non-market economic value of each intervention; and e) engage with decision makers to close each loop.