Understanding the role of prolactin on neuronal metabolism and its implications for gestation and lactation conditions

The pituitary lactogenic hormone prolactin (Prl) has well recognised physiological actions in humans and rodents in lactation and reproduction.

Don’t Dis my Ability: Marginalised voices from sport (Pilot)

This project investigates how technological tools, such as social media, may support or constrain people with disabilities in the development of their political interests and careers.

SE Recycling (SER) Bioleaching KTP project for metal recovery from EV batteries

This partnership with SE-Recycling is developing sustainable bioleaching-based processes to recycle metals from Lithium-based batteries. This sustainable technology delivers a solution that retains precious metals in UK industry, with wider economic benefits including skills development and job creation.

Development of Bioleaching-based processes for the recovery of precious metals of processed waste from Superalloys

In partnership with AAS, Coventry University are developing innovative and sustainable bioleaching-based processes to recover critical metals from superalloy by-products at AAS. 

Powering European Union Net Zero Future By Escalating Zero Emission HDVs And Logistic Intelligence

This project aims to demonstrate highly efficient zHDV powertrains for long-distance applications, in line with the European 2050 targets.

Mental Health and Productivity Pilot

Coventry University is co-leading a group of health professionals, academics and business leaders who have been awarded £6.8m by Government to tackle poor mental health in the workplace with a focus on the East and West Midlands regions.

The Shape of Sound

The Shape of Sound, is an interdisciplinary exploration into the relationship between movement, touch and sound. 

The Embodied Experience in ‘Carne Digital: Arquivo Eva Schul (Digital Flesh: Eva Schul Archive).

The project seeks to explore the embodied experience of creating a digital dance archive and collaborate with the development of digital archives in the performing arts.

Empowering Women Leadership in Higher Education Towards Digitalisation and Globalisation Ages

The project aims at providing knowledge and skills for women leaders in HE in Vietnam for empowering women leadership in the context of Digitalisation and Globalisation.

‘Strictly’ Inclusive: Co-creating the past, present and future

The BBC, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), are celebrating their centenary year with a series of new public engagement research projects, recently announced. This programme of activities seeks to connect the public with the BBC’s past, present and future. Coventry University are pleased to have been awarded funding to explore the BBC’s work in televising dance, looking at the impact of Strictly Come Dancing on public audiences and its recent focus on inclusion through dance.

CLEAN: Clean Logistics for Emerging African Nations

This project accelerates development of technologies that deliver zero tailpipe emissions, saving 43million tonnes of CO2, while also unlocking £53m of UK investment (6x ROI) and creating 114 jobs.

Enacting solidarity, ritual and collective emotions in a Black Lives Matter protest: An affective practices and virtual reality analysis

Black Lives Matter protests following the murder of George Floyd spread quickly in 2020 to include many cities and towns outside the United States. Indepth investigation of these protests will provide insights into how and why it is important for people to enact complex shared emotions as part of a physical and psychological group. 

Widening access and improving retention and career progression into the Paramedic Profession for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups within the West Midlands

West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) NHS Foundation Trust successfully recruited 10% of their applicants from black and minority ethnic groups in 2011–2012 but this fell to around 3% in 2012–2013, then rose from 6.0% in 2019 to 9.8% in 2020.

Hidden hardship: everyday experiences, coping strategies, and barriers to wellbeing in rural Britain

To understand lived experiences of people in hardship in the rural North Cotswolds

Visualising early warning and preparedness in civilian protection: Investigating local vernaculars of community adaptations to insecurity

The overall aim is to investigate the under-studied topic of community signs, symbols and culturally specific communications for gathering, sharing, and responding, in the face of threats of violence.

Solar Energy Transitions (SET): Inclusive e-cooking in sub-Saharan Africa

This project aims to conduct an early-stage techno-economic feasibility study to arrive at a financially viable and sustainable solar home e-cooking system that can power a range of appliances.

Dance after Lockdown

Dance and Lockdown is a small-scale qualitative study designed to generate richly detailed experiential data from two key layers of the dance industry’s ecology: artists and organisations.

Black Arts Movement in Coventry

This project explores the unique and exceptional role of Coventry and the Midlands in the foundation of the British Black Art Movement (BAM) in the 1980s.

Pushing Back the Doubly Exponential Wall of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (DEWCAD)

The DEWCAD project aims to produce a state of the art tool for solving problems of Quantifier Elimination or Satfiability over Non-Linear Real Arithmetic.

Investigating the function and substrate interaction network of ABHD16A, a novel regulator of protein S-acylation

This study aims to characterise the molecular mechanisms and functions of a novel APT, ABHD16A.