WhoLoDance: Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education

By applying Multimodal Sensing and Capturing Analysis, WhoLoDance will make use of advanced motion capture technologies to transfer dance movements into digital data in such a way that makes it possible to blend any motion elements within the motion capture database.

Getting THE SMArT VIEW, CoVeRed in Ontario: TecHnology Enabled Self‐ManagemenT: VIsion for patient remote monitoring and EmpoWerment following Cardiac and VasculaR surgery

Testing the effectiveness of an eHealth-enabled service delivery intervention, combining remote monitoring, education, and self-management training to optimise recovery outcomes and experience of seniors undergoing cardiac and vascular surgeries in Canada and the UK.

Resilience and Inclusion: Dancers as Agents of Change

Resilience and Inclusion: Dancers as Agents of Change aims to advance knowledge within the professional dance sector and audiences about the working lives of dancers with disabilities.

How do we ensure responsible lending and borrowing?

Our research on 'responsible lending and borrowing' undertook a follow-on project to explore innovative impactful ways for the research findings to encourage greater responsible lending and borrowing.

A study examining the Drug, Alcohol & Recovery Team and the Drug Recovery Wing at HMP Rye Hill

The report presents key findings from a prison-based study examining the role of a Drug, Alcohol and Recovery team and a Drug Recovery Wing at category B prison.

PULP-SEED (Philippines UK coLlaborative Partnership-System for Environmental and Efficient Drying)

PULP-SEED’s aim is to make use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology to improve and streamline mango waste processing.


The CROWD4ROADS project combines trip sharing and crowd sensing initiatives to harness collective intelligence to contribute to the solution of the sustainability issues of road passenger transport, by increasing the car occupancy rate and by engaging drivers and passengers in road monitoring.

Using movement and story telling to enhance motor and cognitive development in preschoolers

This study sought to pilot an innovative intervention for pre-schoolers whereby movement is linked to storytelling in a fun and accessible manner.

Chaplains on Campus: Understanding Chaplaincy in UK Universities

The overall aim of this research is to provide universities, religious bodies and student organisations with an evidence base and recommendations to enhance chaplaincy provision across the university sector.


BeLEADFREE aims to deliver novel lead‐free bearing materials by adopting innovative design & manufacturing and applying a multidisciplinary approach involving experts with extensive industrial, research and innovation skills.

Enabling Students with Neurodiversity (ENTENDER)

The project aims to promote inclusion and support for students with neurodiversity in higher education in Argentina and Mexico.

Transforming Trajectories of Vulnerability: Re-examining Educational Achievement (2TV)

2TV provides a transdisciplinary networking space for participants to engage in international research focused on transformative practice in education and public policy that enable researchers to understand cycles of vulnerability.

Economic, Political and Security aspects of sanctions and blockades from a Target Country Perspective: Policy Lessons for Qatar and other Target Countries.

Evaluating the economic, social and political aspects of economic sanctions in targeted countries and deliver a comprehensive set of policy guidelines enabling policymakers.

Creative Freelancer Business Models and Place-based Growth

The project is designed to address an important evidence gap around the contribution of freelancers to the economic and place-based impacts of the creative industries.

A Record Of Undying

In 2013, Saxon commenced development on the central work for A Record of Undying in collaboration with his late partner John Briscoe (1949-2013). With Briscoe as subject, he developed intimate photographs and films shot during the period leading up to and including his partner’s death.

Digi CAV

Investigating the feasibility of building a connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) simulation platform that enables plugging in external heterogeneous components.

Trusted Intelligent Connected Autonomous Vehicles (TIC-IT)

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are expected to bring huge benefits to society. The Trusted Intelligent CAV (TIC-IT) facility will be critical to this, providing a realistic, controlled high speed, limit-handling and fully connected environment.

TechSTER: Tech Students, Entrepreneurial Routes

aiming to enhance entrepreneurial and soft skills and behaviours of teachers and students in Higher Education Institutions

Virtual Reality for Augmenting Creativity and Effectiveness of School Training (VR-ACE)

A 3D virtual reality educational environment will be developed in this project, providing an innovative educational infrastructure.