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How to search the British Academic Spoken English Corpus.

TOCASA (Trade-offs in communal areas in South Africa)

The overall aim of this project is to evaluate trade-offs between novel range management practices (intensified planned grazing, corralling and removal of woody plants).

Dancing Bodies in Coventry

Dancing Bodies in Coventry is a Coventry City of Culture 2021 funded project that is being led by researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE). 

HOMED – Holistic Management of Emerging Forest Pests and Diseases

Adopting a holistic and multi-actor approach, HOMED aims to develop a full panel of scientific knowledge and practical solutions for the management of emerging native and non-native pests and pathogens threatening European forests.

True - TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe

True project aims to identify the best routes, or “transition paths” to increase sustainable legume cultivation and consumption across Europe.

PostUraL tachycardia Syndrome Exercise (PulSE) study

A lifestyle intervention designed by people with POTS, for people with POTS.

Religious Health Interventions in Behavioural Sciences (RHIBS)

Investigators aim to create a foundational, shared language for researchers and practitioners to rigorously develop and evaluate religiously integrated health interventions.

On Gesture

Opening research avenues around the topic of gesture and gesturality, in order to explore their role in the emerging postdigital landscape.

Collaborative Working for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Wales

This PhD project investigates the ways in which collaborative practices of natural resource planning, management and ownership are currently being pursued in Wales and with what effect.

FEVR: the virtual reality field experience

An international, interdisciplinary collaboration, which will develop a virtual reality field experience (FEVR) of various geological sites in South Africa’s Eastern Cape region.

Transforming Curricula Through Internationalisation and Virtual Exchange (iKUDU)

iKUDU aims to contribute to developing a contextualised South African concept of internationalisation of the curriculum, which will be embedded in the broad context of curriculum transformation.

Investigating GPCR:RAMP interactions using nanobodies

Professor Mark Wheatley and collaborators have been awarded a grant from the BBSRC to investigate the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family of proteins.

South East Asia Resilience Hub (SEARCH): Socio-Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities

The SEARCH Network links scholars and practitioners from South East Asia (SEA) and the UK around the topic of disaster risk management (DRM), community response, and socio-economic factors of coastal communities and coastal hazards.

Inside/Out: using storytelling to understand the politics of exclusion in Europe and South Africa

The UK and South Africa, while different, share trends towards inequality and the othering of migrants as responsible for social problems. This project uses storytelling to generate new bottom-up narratives to challenge dominant top down discursive politics of exclusion.

6-0! Promoting health through recreational football

This project focused on enhancing physical activity with aging people through recreational football activities.

Compromising Dignity? Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel, Africa

This project responds to the experience of policy-makers and practitioners working on ‘preventing violent extremism’ (PVE) who find policies developed and implemented under the rubric of PVE to be ambiguous and vague which can lead to dignity being compromised.

Boaters and Showmen Influencing policy and the GRTSB schools and HE Pledge through their Cultural Heritage

The Pledge for Schools is a commitment schools sign up to, to work towards creating a welcoming environment and conditions in which Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB) pupils can stay resilient and thrive academically. 

Celebrate and Recalibrate Flamenco Project

Flamenco singing, guitar playing and dancing are the three main pillars of  the artform.  Yet, its history has a complex and often debated past.

PLANET4B project - Better decisions for biodiversity and people

The PLANET4B research project aims to understand and influence decision making affecting biodiversity.

Knowledgeable, comprehensive and fully integrated smart solution for resilient, sustainable and optimised transport operations (KEYSTONE)

The overall goal of KEYSTONE is to support the development of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system, allowing enforcement authorities to access data for the purpose of compliance with rules applied in the transport of goods and passengers.