A summary of research findings is available here:
Cox, R., Holloway,L., Venn,L., KNEAFSEY, M., Dowler, E. (2011) Adopting a Sheep in Abruzzo: Agritourism and the Preservation of Transhumance Farming in Central Italy. In Torres, R. And Momsen, J. (eds) Tourism and Agriculture: new Geographies of Consumption, Production and Rural Restructuring, Routledge.
Holloway, L. Cox, R., KNEAFSEY M., Dowler, E., Venn, L., and Tuomainen, H. (2010) Are you alternative? ‘Alternative’ food networks and consumers’ definitions of alterity. In Fuller, D., Jonas, A., and Lee, R. (eds) Alternative Economic and Political Spaces. Ashgate
Dowler, E., KNEAFSEY, M., Cox, R., Holloway, L. (2009) 'Doing food differently': Reconnecting biological and social relationships through care for food, Sociological Review 57 (SUPPL. 2): 200-221
KNEAFSEY, M., Cox, R., Holloway, L., Dowler, E., Venn, L., and Tuomainen, H. (2008) Reconnecting Consumers, Producers and Food: Exploring Alternatives
Cox, R., Holloway, L., Venn, L., Dowler, E., Ricketts-Hein, J., Kneafsey, M., Tuomainen, H. (2008) Common Ground? Motivations for participation in a community supported agriculture scheme. Local Environment 13 (3): 203-218
Holloway, L. Venn, L., Cox, R., KNEAFSEY, M., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2008) Dirty vegetables: connecting consumers to the growing of their food. In Campkin, B and Cox, R. (eds) Dirt: new geographies of cleanlinesss and contamination London I.B. Tauris.
Cox, R. KNEAFSEY, M., Venn, L., Holloway, L., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2008) Constructing Sustainability through Reconnection – the case of ‘alternative’ food networks, in Robinson, G. (ed) Sustainable Rural Systems. Ashgate.
Holloway, L., KNEAFSEY, M., Cox, R., Venn, L., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2007) Beyond the ‘alternative’-conventional divide? Thinking differently about food production-consumption, in Maye, D., Holloway, L. and KNEAFSEY, M. (eds) Alternative Food Geographies, Elsevier.
Holloway, L., KNEAFSEY, M., Venn, L., Cox, R., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2007) Possible food economies: a methodological framework for exploring food production-consumption relationships Sociologia Ruralis 47(1): 1-19
Venn, L. KNEAFSEY, M., Holloway, L., Cox, R., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2006) Researching European ‘alternative’ food networks: some methodological considerations Area 38,3, 248-258
Holloway, L. Cox, R., Venn, L., KNEAFSEY, M., Dowler, E., Tuomainen, H. (2006) Managing sustainable farmed landscape through ‘alternative’ food networks: a case study from Italy Geographical Journal, 172, 219-229
Holloway, L and KNEAFSEY, M. (2004) Producing-Consuming Food: Closeness, Connectedness and Rurality in Four ‘Alternative’ Food Networks, in Holloway, L. and KNEAFSEY, M. (2004) Geographies of Rural Cultures and Societies, Ashgate, Aldershot, England