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Pumpkins and squashes for sale at a farmers market

Reconnecting Producers, Consumers and Food: Alternative Food Networks


Cultures of Consumption Programme

Total value of project


Project team

Professor Moya Kneafsey, R. Cox, L. Holloway, E. Dowler


University of Warwick

Duration of project

01/06/2003 - 01/12/2006

Project overview

This project was one of the first to explore the motivations of consumers and producers participating in different types of ‘Alternative Food Network’ such as farmers markets, box schemes, and community supported agriculture (also often referred to as ‘short’ food supply chains).

Through six detailed case studies, using a range of qualitative methods, the research uncovered insights into why people seek to ‘reconnect’ with food. It highlighted the range and diversity of of AFNs in the UK and found that AFNs support relations of care between people, their environments and their communities: AFNs allow people to (re)connect with people and place. The research also found that being involved in AFNs could lead consumers to change their behaviour in other areas too, such as recycling, growing their own food and looking for more ethical and sustainable sources of other goods.

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