Jobs and Skills in the Leeds City Region
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Total value of project
Project team
Professor Paul Sissons, Dr Jennifer Ferreira
The Institute for Employment Research (University of Warwick), The Work Foundation
Duration of project
01/12/2014 - 29/02/2016
Project overview
Low-paid work and in-work poverty are significant issues in the UK economy. The aim of this project is to use research insights to help inform choices in Leeds City Region around employment and skills policy, particularly relating to in-work progression. The project is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation who are working in partnership with Leeds City Region on a programme of work focused on ‘More jobs, better jobs’ for the area.
Project objectives
Policy aimed at supporting in-work progression in the UK is currently under-developed. However the emerging policy agenda of devolving funding to local areas to support economic growth provides potential opportunities for shaping skills and employment support to more effectively enable progression. This research will utilise international evidence and national and local labour market intelligence and insights to generate a proposal for a package of employment and skills initiatives focusing on progression from low-paid work in Leeds City Region.