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CHANGE Plus: Promoting Behaviour Change towards the Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation in Practising Communities and Community-Based Advocacy


European Commission DAPHNE III

Value to Coventry University


Project team

Professor Hazel Barrett


Terre De Femme, Germany; Plan International, Germany; FSAN, Netherlands; Equipop, France; APF, Portugal; AIDOS, Italy; End-FGM, Belgium; Bangr Nooma, Burkina Faso; Plan International, Mali

Duration of project

15/1/2016 - 14/01/2018

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Project overview

The CHANGE Plus project aimed to raise awareness, change attitudes and promote behaviour change on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in practicing African communities in four EU countries: Germany, Netherlands, Portugal and France. The aim of the project was to develop, implement and disseminate an innovative approach to behaviour change regarding the practice of FGM using the REPLACE Approach. This involved conducting community-based participatory research, in particular mapping belief systems perpetuating FGM; and using the REPLACE Community Readiness to End FGM Assessment to monitor and evaluate behaviour change.

Project objectives

CHANGE Plus aimed to:

  • Raise awareness;
  • Change attitudes; and
  • Promote behaviour change concerning FGM amongst African Diaspora communities in the EU
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