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Church Responses to Domestic Abuse


Allen Lane Foundation, Andrews Charitable Trust, Matthew 25:35 Trust

Total value of project


Project team

Professor Kristin Aune, Dr Alison Halford, Dr Rebecca Barnes (University of Leicester)


University of Leicester, Restored, Churches Together in Cumbria

Duration of project

01/11/2016 - 31/08/2018

Project overview

A study of the nature and extent of domestic abuse in UK churches to support churches in challenging domestic abuse and reducing its incidence. The research focused on the county of Cumbria in north-west England. 438 churchgoers took part in the survey, which showed that 1 in 4 of churchgoers had been subjected to some form of domestic abuse in their current relationship. Only 2 in 7 who responded felt that the church was well equipped to deal with the issue.

Project objectives

The research aimed to identify: 

  • The rates of domestic abuse victimisation amongst male/female churchgoers;
  • The nature, dynamics and impacts of domestic abuse for churchgoers;
  • The levels of awareness of, and attitudes held by, church members and church leaders, relating to the occurrence of domestic abuse in their congregations;
  • How churches currently respond to domestic abuse; and
  • Churchgoers’ experiences of seeking support and guidance in relation to domestic abuse.
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