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Motion blur of dancers in colourful costumes

Performing Empowerment: Disability, Dance & Inclusive Development in Post Conflict Sri Lanka


Arts & Humanities Research Council and Economic & Social Research Council
PaCCS conflict, GCRF theme call

Total value of project


Project team

Dr Lars Waldorf, University of York (PI); Dr Hetty Blades (Co-I)

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VisAbility, Church of the American Ceylon Mission, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies (Eastern University), University of Peradeniya, Miani Technical Institute (Batticaloa), Nuffield School for the Deaf & Blind (Jaffna)

Duration of project

01/11/2016 - 31/08/2017

Project objectives

This project examined an innovative way of empowering persons with conflict-related disabilities in Sri Lanka through a combination of dance and law that was pioneered and piloted by VisAbility, a Sri Lankan/German association, in mid-2015. It consists of four main activities:

(1) workshops that combine mixed abled dance (where disabled and non-disabled dancers perform together) and legal empowerment;

(2) flash mobs and dance performances in busy, public spaces by workshop participants;

(3) research on how the workshops and performances affect the agency, dignity, welfare, and inclusion of persons with conflict-related disabilities; and

(4) dissemination of research findings to development policymakers and practitioners.

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