Managing the Impacts of Mega-Events: Towards Sustainable Legacies (CARNIVAL)
European Commission
FP7 Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
Total value of project
Value to Coventry University
Project team
Coventry University, UK
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa; North Carolina State University, USA
Duration of project
01/01/2013 - 31/12/2017
Project overview
Dr Ian Brittain (Co-ordinator and Co-PI) and Dr Eva Kipnis (Co-PI) successfully delivered the final report to the European Union in January 2018. The research aimed to investigate what factors impact upon the planned and unplanned legacy outcomes of mega-events and their implications for stakeholders.
The Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University led a four-year European Commission funded research group investigating the factors that impact upon the planned and unplanned legacy outcomes of sporting and non-sporting mega-events and their implications for stakeholders aimed at strengthening the measurable positive legacy impacts of future events, helping to pinpoint and downplay the impact of possible negative legacy impacts. This was a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) project aimed at the sharing of knowledge and experience between partners.
Project objectives
- To examine multiple contextual understandings of the impacts of mega-events, including social, economic, cultural, political, environmental and technological impacts, by recognising research synergies between partners and developing an extensive research portfolio of activity and outputs.
- To understand, through comparative analyses of impacts of different types of mega-events best practices in defining and managing mega-event impacts at future events.
- To establish an active network of expertise on impacts of mega-events and realising potential impacts in the EU, the Americas and South Africa, through conferences, workshops and other activities.
- To provide opportunities for research on cutting-edge sustainable management practices, to ensure that future potential mega-event impacts (such as economic, social, cultural, technological impacts) are maximised.
The research focused upon all three stages of the event process (pre-event, the event itself and post-event), with a range of issues and impacts to be considered at both the micro and macro level and looked at both sporting and non-sporting events using a case study approach.