COVID-19 and Future Transport
Coventry City Council
Value to Coventry University
Project team
Dr Andrew Jones, Dr David Jarvis
Coventry City Council
Duration of project
01/05/20 - 07/09/20
Project overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant uncertainties for the future of city spaces with the level of remote working and online shopping increasing almost exponentially due to the presence of lockdown restrictions that have constrained mobility. Working in-conjunction with Coventry City Council’s Transport and Infrastructure team, Dr Andrew Jones and Dr David Jarvis, on behalf of CBiS, sought to interrogate emerging thinking surrounding the future of transport in order to support the Council’s COVID-19 recovery plans.
This project identified four key areas of inter-related impact in relation to the economy, society, transport, and the environment. In order to articulate how these impacts could affect transport in Coventry, the study constructed three future scenarios based upon individual behaviours in relation to safety, economy, and green preferences.
Project objectives
Coventry University were tasked by Coventry City Council to interrogate emerging thinking surrounding future cities and urban mobility. The project sought to:
- Identify the economic, social, technological, and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Identify how these impacts had influenced transport and mobility.
- Articulate possible future scenarios for transport in urban environments.