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Enhancing Science and Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development


Newton Fund Professional Development and Engagement programme (PDE), provided by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and delivered by the British Council.


£102,525 (to Coventry University)


Gaura, Elena (Principal Investigator)

Brusey, James (Co-Investigator)

Maugham, Susie (Co-Investigator)

Nixon, Jonathan (Co-Investigator)

Shilton, Vaughan (Co-Investigator)


14/01/19 to 31/03/20


Significant and meaningful solutions to real world problems requires researchers that have the necessary knowledge, skills, and innovation on a global level. One such initiative to generate impactful research in science and technology through international collaboration is the training partnership between Vietnam Institute for Science Technology and Innovation (VISTI), Ministry of Science and Technology and the British Council. As part of the ‘Enhancing Science and Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development’ initiative, a team from Coventry University, led by Professor Elena Gaura, implemented and delivered a training programme for Vietnamese early career researchers. The first stage of the training focused on research capacity building and saw Elena and team lead workshops over five days to 100 young researchers in three cities: Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Based on a research staff capacity building framework, the training workshops equipped researchers with practical skills, such as ways to increase research dissemination, project management and funding bids, which applied will improve research outputs and opportunities for international collaboration. The second stage of the training sought programme sustainability, as 15 Vietnamese mid-career researchers were hosted by Coventry University over two weeks to acquire additional skills around research impact. On return, the cascade training resulted in upskilling the next generation of researchers with relevant and transferable abilities that encourages research engagement on a global platform.  

Project objectives

The training programme's objective was to provide young Vietnamese researchers with the necessary supplementary skills to build capacity and promote scientific and technological innovation.

The training programme delivered a series of workshops around four main themes and objectives:

  1. Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities

To identify what makes scientific research endeavours original, significant, and rigorous.

  1. Research Governance and Organisation

To develop skills and knowledge around intellectual property rights, funding proposals and project management

  1. Engagement, Influence, and Impact

To understand ways to generate pathways to impact and impact through collaboration and communication.

  1. Personal Effectiveness

To encourage continued reflexivity on what qualities, make an effective researcher

Impact statement

In delivering the training programme for ‘Enhancing Science & Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development’ Vietnamese researchers acquired strategies to increase research visibility, delivery, and dissemination. By signposting the necessary techniques to write and publish high-quality articles and construct bid proposals, there will be an increase in academic outputs and greater funding streams. Building upon the training offered in problem-solving activities, presentations, and teamwork opportunities, these researchers are more proficient at communicating their research and collaborating on an international platform between academic and government bodies.  

With Vietnamese researchers trained to use a UK research professional development curriculum, academic institutions will be responsive to global demands for competitive training models. As a result, future researcher development training will generate innovation partnerships through robust and sustainable structures to produce impactful research.


Enhancing Science and Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development Training materials

In a guest blog, Professor Elena Gaura, the official trainer for the Enhancing Science & Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development programme, talks about how research can make a difference.

Episode 4, Research and Mobility

Professor Elena Gaura speaks about the project in the British Council's 'The Conversations' series, in an episode on 'Research and Mobility'

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