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Developing UK Motorsport: A Supply Chain Analysis

Project team

Dr Nick Henry

Jordon Lazell


UK Trade and Investment

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills




Cranfield University

Motorsport Research Associates

Motorsport Industry Association

Motorsports project map of the UK

Project objectives

The UK’s Motorsport Valley continues to be the world’s leading centre for motorsport and performance engineering, generating £9 billion revenue and over 40,000 jobs. This global business cluster is a ‘jewel in the crown’ of UK advanced manufacturing – and home to 8 of the 11 Formula One constructors.

To support continued global competitiveness, the project is mapping the supply chains of three areas of motorsport – Formula One, Formula E and Endurance Sports Car Racing – to identify strengths, weaknesses and further local economic growth opportunities which may be targeted for economic development support by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), UKTI and BIS.

Research impact

The core methodology has comprised mapping and subsequent interviewing of key companies in three separate motorsport supply chains. In addition, a number of business events were convened or attended to gain further insights and views on the future challenges and requirements of the supply chain, especially given new developments in low carbon technologies.

Results to date have highlighted the continued dominance of global supply chains by key UK companies, whilst highlighting that key competitors and partners exist in sub-clusters in Italy, France, Germany and USA.

Recommendations will both support cluster development activity (business and supply chain development, access to finance, R&D and innovation, skills) and identify specific investment and trade propositions to be taken forward by UKTI and partners.

The Telegraph recently interviewed Principal Investigator Dr. Nick Henry - 'Formula One's vast costs are driving small teams to ruin'.

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