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The defence of new cultural centrality in cities of mega-events: the cultural legacy of Rio 2016


European Union- Carnival Project


£6613.41 (4 months)


Débora Guerra;

Eva Kipnis;

Leonardo Mataruna


The objective of this research is to analyse the importance of culture in the city planning which is an indispensable way in understanding the local identities and its history. Thus, the theoretical background will receive attention in the mega-event planning and hosting literature, theories developed by urban planners of the nineteenth century and a parallelism with a modern concept of “creative city”. These processes are analysed from the perspective of “hard and soft legacies” with a particular focus on emergence of modern city associated with the Olympic Movement taking as a case study the “Porto Maravilha” in Rio de Janeiro.

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University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023