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From the Grounds Up: The Coffee Shop Industry and the Circular Economy


Coventry University Pump Priming Fund




Dr. Jennifer Ferreira, Elizabeth Bos and Professor Marylyn Carrigan (Keele University) 


This study aims to explore how businesses and consumers can engage in the circular economy, the facilitators and inhibitors for doing so, and the importance of these actions for sustainable economies and societies. The UK and Germany are used as two case studies for exploring how and why the coffee shop industry takes part in the circular economy. The investigation is driven by the following research questions: 

  • To what extent is the circular economy evident in the coffee shop industry?
  • In what ways do businesses and consumers in the coffee shop industry engage in the circular economy?
  • What are the enablers and inhibitors for coffee shops and their consumers to adopt circular economy practices?
  • What impacts can engagement with the circular economy have for coffee shops and its consumers?


This research will endeavour to produce information of relevance for the academic, business, policy and wider consumer communities; the project is designed to deliver impact to a broad range of interested parties. The project will address knowledge gaps around business and consumer engagement with the circular economy in both the UK and Germany.

Findings of the research will be presented at a series of international conferences, as well as a local dissemination event which will be made accessible to anyone with a potential interest in the project findings. It is expected that findings may inform, influence and improve decision making by industry stakeholders and policy makers to support increased engagement with the circular economy in the coffee shop industry. Through dissemination of research findings, it is intended that the project will stimulate public interest and promote more sustainable approaches in the coffee shop industry and the circular economy.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023