EIT Raw Materials
€ 56,600
PI and Project Team members
Miho Taka (PI)
Sinead Ouillon
Project partners and Countries
Gomez Pardo Foundation (Lead)
Monolithos Ltd
Università degli Studi di Milano, Bicocca (University of Milano, Bicocca)
Montanuniversität Leoben
Spanish Geological Survey
Project Overview
'BRIEFCASE project' workshop is based on 10 years’ experience by the Geomining Museum, in Madrid. This innovative project creates the opportunity for learning about minerals through hands-on experience, specifically targeting 6-14 year old students and their teachers. This project is orientated for Wider Society Learning (WSL) and aims to raise students’ knowledge of mining activities and mineral applications in everyday objects.
Impact Statement
The workshop covers identifying minerals and the ore elements that compose them and some everyday objects made with them. In this way, students guided by teachers, realize that many minerals are used in daily life. This workshop is a complementary activity to the curriculum of primary and secondary students. The Geomining toolkit is the basis of the BRIEFCASE (physical and virtual)
concept, but our project covers much more fields and raise awareness about the mining sector, a concept that is new in this kind of workshop. The Project seeks to bring minerals and mining closer to society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is that citizens from an early age know where the mineral products they use in daily life come from, and how our daily purchase decisions affect to the social environment of the people who live in countries with resources exploitation. Participants are helped to understand that whilst it may not possible to live without minerals and mines, mining is a modern activity that it has an impact on the society and environment, and that it can be eased.