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Non-communicable lung disease in Kenya: from burden and early life determinants to participatory inter-disciplinary solutions


Medical Research Council

Value to Coventry University


Project Team

  • Professor Charlotte Waelde (co-investigator)
  • Dr Kevin Mortimer, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (Principle Investigator)

Duration of project

01/01/2019 - 01/01/2022

Project details

The Tupumue study is looking at the lung health of children in two communities in Nairobi, Kenya.

This video showcases the Tupumue lung health champions explaining the study to residents in the two communities, Mukuru and Buruburu, in February 2020, prior to the start of data collection.

Professor Charlotte Waelde's role in the project was to encourage the Mukuru and Buruburu champions to think about intellectual property rights - and in particular copyright and performer's rights, and to assert these in claiming ownership of their creative works.

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