CreativeCulture 4.0
Transforming 21st century teaching and learning of STEM in Malaysia through play and gamification towards Education 4.0
British Council
Arts and Humanities Council (AHRC) Newton Fund
Total value of project
Value to Coventry University
Project team
Professor Sylvester Arnab, Dr Samantha Clarke, Alex Masters, Jayne Beaufoy
Duration of project
11/05/20 - 11/11/21
Project overview
The project aims to broaden and extend the impact of experiential learning through play and gamification as a creative, emphatic and inclusive pedagogical practice in Malaysia towards Education 4.0 responding to Industry 4.0. The project builds on a previous collaboration between Coventry University and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) via the Newton CreativeCulture project, which has produced a blueprint for Gamification for STEM education that includes a suite of playful pedagogical tools and gamified lessons created by teachers for teachers. We identified that sustainable and effective adoption can be achieved by enabling teachers to embed the approach in the curriculum and the empowerment of schools to review, redesign and progress their practices.
Acknowledging that access to inclusive andequitable quality education is still an impending issue at rural areas in Malaysia, CreativeCulture 4.0 will expand our user engagement, build practices, capacity and sustain creative approaches in participating schools and facilitate continuing dialogues with local and national communities towards realising the impact of creative education on economic development and social welfare.
Project objectives
- Map the Gamification for STEM blueprint against the STEM Education Policy, responding to MEB and National Policy on Industry 4.0 to identify commonalities, gaps and opportunities and form intervention and evaluation pathways.
- Develop 3-phase pathway: (1) onboarding - expand reach through teacher training and capacity building in creating gamified lessons (2) practice building - implement play and gamification in schools (3) consolidation - insights into adoption and sustainability for practice and policy recommendations.
- Implement the onboarding phase in partnership with local Departments of Education (4 locations involving at least 100 teachers each) to develop case studies for curriculum adoption (at least 10 case studies).
- Facilitate and evaluate the case studies adopted in schools during the practice building phase.
- Consolidate findings and practice, engaging schools, policymakers, local communities and industries towards scientific, practice and policy publication.