Roma Women transforming the educational systems around Europe through their social and political mobilizations (RTRANSFORM)
- Erasmus+
- Key Action 3
- £380k
Project team
- C-DaRE, Coventry University (PI) - Rosa Cisneros
- LEAD-Romani Women’s Association Drom Kotar Mestipen (SP)
- Coventry University- Centre for Dance Research (UK)
- Alternative Innovative Development (GR)
- Amrita Pályaorientációs Baráti Kör Egyesület (HU)
- Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance (BU)
- Care for young people’s future CIC (UK)
- Catalan Government-Roma and Social Innovation Programme - Directorate- General for Civic and Community Action (SP)
- Municipality of Ampelokipi – Menemeni (GR)
- Dr. Ámbédkar Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola, Szakiskola, Általános Iskola és Martin Luther King Középiskolai Kollégium
Duration of project
Project overview
The project addresses a main challenge which is social inclusion with the potentiality of promoting education among Roma women and girls. The European Union has taken action to implement Roma integration strategies and sets of policy measures aimed at improving the situation of Roma and at closing the existing gaps between Roma and the general population.
The purpose of the project is to influence policies using a bottom up approach by disseminating and scaling up an evidence-based practice which has shown to contribute to Roma women and girls’ educational and social inclusion through the promotion of high and quality education and the creation of a space for debate for this socially disadvantaged group. This evidence-based practice is the “Roma Women Students’ Gathering” (RWSG), an initiative that has been organized, with the active involvement of Grassroots Roma women for eighteen years. The Project will transfer the RWSG to diverse environments and measure its impact and use the information gathered to generate a toolkit, guide, film, policy recommendations and academic articles.