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A Capacity-Building Sprint on Writing for Publication for Education Scholars in the South-East Asia Region

A Capacity-Building Sprint on Writing for Publication for Education Scholars in the South-East Asia Region

Project funder

British Academy

Project team

Coventry University team
Dr Dimitar Angelov

Dr Ied Veda Sitepu: Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Dr Ho Thi Hanh Tien: Phu Xuan University, Viet Nam
Dr Norfishah Mat Rabi: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Project value

£23,365 (total)

£11,000 to Coventry University

Project Objectives

Coventry University’s Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment (GLEA) offers to design and deliver a series of virtual workshops and consultations (a Capacity-Building Sprint) aimed to accelerate the progress and productivity of Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) from the South-East Asia Region with their writing for publication outputs and funding bids. This researcher development intervention will follow the highly popular and much-tested approach developed by Belcher (2009, 2019), which scaffolds research writers to complete a final draft of a journal article within a time frame of twelve week.

Our Capacity-Building Sprint will be delivered in collaboration with universities in the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, and will target ECRs from these countries and the wider ASEAN region. It will combine expert insight into scholarly writing and publishing with practical, hands-on support with the write-up and submission for publication, or funding, of draft research articles or funding bids.

Project outcomes

  • Delegates’ increased awareness of writing for publication in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals
  • Understand the process of drafting a research proposal and targeting a funder
  • Individual publication plans, including identified target journals and progressed and/or completed article drafts
  • Project website, serving as a repository of workshop materials and a post-project communication hub
  • A South-East Asian peer-support and mentoring network, including a peer-review college
  • Final project report

The programme will also benefit researchers in the Global South by offering places for delegates from Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, as well as Malaysia. This will establish the foundations for a South-East Asian Regional peer-review college (website) to foster future success in writing for publication and securing bid funding. Placing emphasis on the importance of developing peer-review capabilities in delegates will not only enhance their insight into the writing process but will also allow them to cascade newly acquired expertise to colleagues, thereby encouraging collaboration and the development of professional communities in higher education.

In responding to the needs of ECRs to develop a track-record of publications and funding, the proposal will assist individuals with their ongoing professional development and offer a means of gaining recognition and reward for outstanding contributions to knowledge in secondary, higher and tertiary education. By encouraging collaboration in conducting and disseminating education research, the proposal will benefit teaching and learning development, leadership and policy across the South-East Asian region.

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